7 results

Why Are Marketing Analytics Skills Vital, and How Can Business Schools Teach It?

Digital Artefact
Kurtzke, S. (2022)
Why Are Marketing Analytics Skills Vital, and How Can Business Schools Teach It?. [Blog post]

The use of gendered language in speeches made by Trump and Clinton adhered to stereotypes of the roles of male and female leaders

Digital Artefact
McGuire, D., MacKenzie, A. & Kissack, H. (2017)
The use of gendered language in speeches made by Trump and Clinton adhered to stereotypes of the roles of male and female leaders
Speeches delivered by Donald J. Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign contained many uses of gendered language. David McGuire, Abbi MacKenzie ...

We need to talk about IELTS, and the case for testing English 'in-subject'

Digital Artefact
Pilcher, N. & Richards, K. (2017)
We need to talk about IELTS, and the case for testing English 'in-subject'
No abstract available - read the full article here - http://wonkhe.com/blogs/we-need-to-talk-about-ielts-and-the-case-for-testing-english-in-subject/

To Be Responsible for Ourselves: Dominic Ongwen and Defences Before the International Criminal Court

Digital Artefact
Moran, C. F. (2016)
To Be Responsible for Ourselves: Dominic Ongwen and Defences Before the International Criminal Court. http://opiniojuris.org/2016/12/19/to-be-responsible-for-ourselves-dominic-ongwen-and-defences-before-the-international-criminal-court/
No abstract available.

Balancing rigour and relevance: Higher education researchers and policymakers need to be more open to each other

Digital Artefact
Smith, K., Fernie, S. & Pilcher, N. (2016)
Balancing rigour and relevance: Higher education researchers and policymakers need to be more open to each other
No abstract available.

Emerging voices: the contribution of international criminal tribunals and courts to the development and promotion of international human rights law

Digital Artefact
Moran, C. F. (2014)
Emerging voices: the contribution of international criminal tribunals and courts to the development and promotion of international human rights law. http://opiniojuris.org/2014/08/04/emerging-voices-contribution-international-criminal-tribunals-courts-development-promotion-international-human-rights-law/
No abstract available.

What Does My Turnitin Report Mean?

Digital Artefact
Garden, C. & McLatchie, J. (2012)
What Does My Turnitin Report Mean?
In this podcast Dr Claire Garden and Joan McLatchie discuss their use of Turnitin, an online text matching service. There are still many misconceptions about plagiarism detect...