16 results

UrbanIxD: From Ethnography to Speculative Design Fictions for the Hybrid City

Conference Proceeding
Stals, S., Smyth, M., & Mival, O. (2019)
UrbanIxD: From Ethnography to Speculative Design Fictions for the Hybrid City. In Proceedings of the Halfway to the Future Symposium 2019https://doi.org/10.1145/3363384.3363486
This paper presents research in the field of Urban Interaction Design which seeks to understand how people's personal, emotional relationships with urban places could potentia...

Design principles for collaborative device ecologies

Conference Proceeding
Ammeloot, A., Benyon, D., & Mival, O. (2015)
Design principles for collaborative device ecologies. In Proceedings of the 2015 British HCI Conference, 255-256. https://doi.org/10.1145/2783446.2783598
This paper describes the ongoing investigation of interaction design issues related to collaborative activities in device ecologies, mixing Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and sm...

Designing Blended Spaces for Collaboration.

Benyon, D., & Mival, O. (2015)
Designing Blended Spaces for Collaboration. In A. Ferscha, S. Resmerita, C. Holzmann, M. Pieper, & C. Stephanidis (Eds.), Human Computer Confluence, 18-39. Konigswinter, Germany: De Gruyter Open. doi:10.1515/9783110471137-002
In this paper, we reflect on our experiences of designing, developing, implementing and using a real world, functional multi-touch enabled interactive collaborative environmen...

A social-technological alignment matrix.

Conference Proceeding
Thuemmler, C., Mival, O., Lim, A. K., Holanec, I., & Fricker, S. (2015)
A social-technological alignment matrix. In 2014 IEEE 16th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom), 200-205. https://doi.org/10.1109/healthcom.2014.7001841
This paper refers to the term " implementation " as the Especially in health care this has proven to be a very critical phase Although strategies such as requirements engineer...

Ethical assessment in e-Health

Conference Proceeding
Gonzalez-Pinto, A., Ruiz de Azua, S., Mival, O. H., Thuernmler, C., Jumelle, A. K. L., Ispas, I., …González-Pinto, A. (2015)
Ethical assessment in e-Health. In 2014 IEEE 16th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom), 262-268. https://doi.org/10.1109/healthcom.2014.7001852
While innovative e-Health and m-Health technologies and solutions will eventually change the way health and social care are delivered, it raises many challenges regarding what...

User experience (UX) design for medical personnel and patients

Book Chapter
Mival, O., & Benyon, D. (2015)
User experience (UX) design for medical personnel and patients. In S. Fricker, C. Thuemmler, & A. Gavras (Eds.), Requirements Engineering for Digital Health and Care (117-131). Cham: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-09798-5_6
UX design is concerned with all the issues that go into providing an engaging and enjoyable experience for people in both the short and longer term. This is more than mere fun...

Norms and standards in modular medical architectures.

Conference Proceeding
Fricker, S., Fiedler, M., Grottland, A., Jell, T., Magedanz, T., Thuemmler, C., …Paulin, A. (2014)
Norms and standards in modular medical architectures. In 2013 IEEE 15th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom) (IEEE Healthcom 2013), (382-387). https://doi.org/10.1109/HealthCom.2013.6720705
Recent Internet of Things (IoT) research has been aiming at interoperability of devices and the integration of sensor networks. The Future Internet - Private Public Partnershi...

A social technological alignment matrix.

Presentation / Conference
Thuemmler, C., Mival, O., Lim Jumelle, A. K., Holanec, I., & Fricker, S. (2014, January)
A social technological alignment matrix. Paper presented at IEEE Healthcom 2014, Natal, Brazil
This paper refers to the term “implementation” as the process of integrating a new technology into established workflows. Especially in health care this has proven to be a ver...

Health: RFID makes surgery safer.

Mival, O., Thuemmler, C., Schneider, A., Paulin, A., Kranzfelder, M., & Hasan, A. (2013)
Health: RFID makes surgery safer. In P. Cousin (Ed.), Internet of Things: Success Stories, 54-60. Internet of Things Council
This document presents a novel technique to reduce the risk of forgotten surgical towels in surgery. It is an application of IoT in field of healthcare. Integrating RFID tags ...

Implementing an ICE: A methodology for the design, development and installation of Interactive Collaborative Environments in real world industrial settings.

Presentation / Conference
Mival, O., & Benyon, D. (2013, April)
Implementing an ICE: A methodology for the design, development and installation of Interactive Collaborative Environments in real world industrial settings. Paper presented at CHI2013 workshop on Blended Interaction Spaces., Paris, France
In this paper, we present a methodology for the design, development and implementation of ICEs (Interactive Collaborative Environments) in real world industrial settings. The ...
14 results

Creative Informatics: Data Driven Innovation for the Creative Industries

2018 - 2024
Data Driven Innovation (DDI) is transforming society and the economy. DDI is defined as the challenge to make effective use of data to shape, develop and deliver innovative products and services to co...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £1,046,469

Walks & Waterfalls Innovation Voucher

2018 - 2018
Walks and Waterfalls is a multi-channel interactive project intended to design and roadmap a blended experience between a fine art photography book, a mobile augmented reality app and physical locatio...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

ENSEMBLE Performing Together Apart: Enhancing Immersive Multi-Location Co-Performance in Real Time

2018 - 2018
The feeling of being immersed within a live performance by an ensemble of world class musicians can be a deeply engaging and highly valued cultural experience for audiences as well as for the performe...
Funder: Arts & Humanities Research Council | Value: £58,268

Landscaping Digital Augmentation of the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo

2016 - 2016
I-POS produce an Intelligent Point of Sale application which runs on Apple iPad hardware for use in bars and restaurants. The application generates transaction based sales data and re-ordering data fr...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

KTP Soluis Group Ltd

2015 - 2017
To explore, understand and develop intuitive interaction technologies for simultaneous multi-user collaborative experiences in immersive digital domes
Funder: Innovate UK | Value: £169,286

Citizen Bank

2015 - 2015
Citizen Bank is looking to work with the University to explore the potential of using technology as a mechanism to aid in community participation. This collaboration seeks to explore the technical req...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

Soluis Dome User Interface

2015 - 2015
A digital dome is a large physical object that can fully immerse one or more users and present them digital material via rear projection onto the dome’s surface. Such a system presents unique and curr...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

Visitor feedback data capture for VisitArran

2014 - 2014
To understand and explore the feasibility of how Visit Arran can collect visitor feedback more efficiently and to reach a younger target audience.
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

Smuggler's Trail

2014 - 2014
The aim of the project is to investigate the digital tourism strategy for Glenlivet and to outline a design for the smugglers trail
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000


2013 - 2015
New ideas are on the way to make healthcare more accurate, more affordable and matching the needs of our changing societies. Demographic changes, progress in technology and in medicine offer options t...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £532,920
