User experience (UX) design for medical personnel and patients
Book Chapter
Mival, O., & Benyon, D. (2015)
User experience (UX) design for medical personnel and patients. In S. Fricker, C. Thuemmler, & A. Gavras (Eds.), Requirements Engineering for Digital Health and Care (117-131). Cham: Springer.
UX design is concerned with all the issues that go into providing an engaging and enjoyable experience for people in both the short and longer term. This is more than mere fun...
Mobile experiences for tourism: brick city tours.
Presentation / Conference
Mival, O., O'Keefe, B., & Mokey, S. (2013, April)
Mobile experiences for tourism: brick city tours. Paper presented at CHI2013 workshop on Blended Interaction Spaces., Paris, France
In this project we utilized user-centered design methods to research and evaluate challenges. From this, our team of interdisciplinary students was able to provide unique, use...