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6 results

Review of Piotr Cap & Urszula Okulska (eds). (2013)Analyzing genres in political communication: Theory and practice

Journal Article
Kranert, M. (2016)
Review of Piotr Cap & Urszula Okulska (eds). (2013)Analyzing genres in political communication: Theory and practice. Journal of Language and Politics, 15(4), 500-503.
Piotr Cap & Urszula Okulska (eds). (2013)Analyzing genres in political communication: Theory and practice

Doing Politics: Discursivity, performativity and mediation in political discourse

M. Kranert, & G. Horan (Eds.), (2018)
Doing Politics: Discursivity, performativity and mediation in political discourse.
This edited volume explores the discursive, performative and mediated dimensions of contemporary political discourse. The strengths of the volume are manifold: it contains cut...

Text and Context in the Discourses of the Third Way in Germany and the United Kingdom A Comparative Study of the Language of ‘New Labour’ and ‘Die Neue Mitte’

Kranert, M. Text and Context in the Discourses of the Third Way in Germany and the United Kingdom A Comparative Study of the Language of ‘New Labour’ and ‘Die Neue Mitte’. (Thesis)
University College London. Retrieved from
This thesis undertakes a comparison of the discursive strategies of New Labour and the German SPD at the turn of the twenty-first century, when both parties engaged in a disco...

Antoon De Rycker & Zuraidah Mohd Don (eds.), Discourse and crisis: Critical perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2013. Pp. vii, 489. Hb. $149.

Journal Article
Kranert, M. (2015)
Antoon De Rycker & Zuraidah Mohd Don (eds.), Discourse and crisis: Critical perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2013. Pp. vii, 489. Hb. $149. Language in Society, 44(02), 285-286.
Antoon De Rycker & Zuraidah Mohd Don (eds.), Discourse and crisis: Critical perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2013. Pp. vii, 489. Hb. $149.

Populistische Elemente in den Wahlprogrammen von AfD und UKIP

Journal Article
Kranert, M. (2018)
Populistische Elemente in den Wahlprogrammen von AfD und UKIP. Aptum: Journal of Language Criticism and Language Culture, 14(1), 61-77
Seit dem Erstarken neuer rechter Parteien in Europa und der Wahl Donald Trumps zum 45. Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten dominiert Populismus als politischer Kampfbegriff de...

‘Today I offer you, and we offer the country a new vision’: The strategic use of first person pronouns in party conference speeches of the Third Way

Journal Article
Kranert, M. (2017)
‘Today I offer you, and we offer the country a new vision’: The strategic use of first person pronouns in party conference speeches of the Third Way. Discourse and Society, 28(2), 182-203.
This article aims to fill a gap in the existing research by analysing the construction of leadership and group identity in a corpus of 13 party conference speeches by the part...


