Trying Something New: Student and teacher responses to the pilot of an alternative secondary music curriculum for Scotland
Presentation / Conference
Moir, Z., & Stillie, B. (2020, July)
Trying Something New: Student and teacher responses to the pilot of an alternative secondary music curriculum for Scotland. Paper presented at Association for Popular Music Education World Conference, Edinburgh
Moir, Z., & Stillie, B. (2020, July). Trying Something New: Student and teacher responses to the pilot of an alternative secondary music curriculum for Scotland. Paper present...
Cultural Invasion, False Generosity, and Fear of Freedom: A Freirean Critique of Popular Music in Higher Education
Presentation / Conference
Moir, Z. (2019, June)
Cultural Invasion, False Generosity, and Fear of Freedom: A Freirean Critique of Popular Music in Higher Education. Presented at Association for Popular Music Education Annual Conference 2019
Abstract not available.
Belonging to the university or being in the world: From belonging to relational being
Journal Article
Graham, C., & Moir, Z. (2022)
Belonging to the university or being in the world: From belonging to relational being. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 19(4),
In a world characterised by supercomplexity, in which higher education (HE) is in the grip of neoliberal market forces (Barnett, 2000), it is incumbent upon participants in th...
Learning to Create and Creating to Learn: The Importance of Popular Music Composition in Popular Music Education
Presentation / Conference
Moir, Z. (2017, June)
Learning to Create and Creating to Learn: The Importance of Popular Music Composition in Popular Music Education. Paper presented at Association of Popular Music Education Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado
This session will focus on Popular Music Composition (PMC) in undergraduate popular music degrees. The presenter will outline several important issues raised by students of PM...
Your Feedback is Important to Us.
Exhibition / Performance
Moir, Z. Your Feedback is Important to Us. Performed at Edinburgh International Science Festival. 14 April 2018 - 14 June 2018. (Unpublished))
Moir, Z. Your Feedback is Important to Us. Performed at Edinburgh International Science Festival. 14 April 2018 - 14 June 2018. (Unpublished
Interactive, generative sound art installation.
Popular Music Making and Young People: Leisure, Education and Industry
Presentation / Conference
Moir, Z. (2017, June)
Popular Music Making and Young People: Leisure, Education and Industry. Paper presented at Association of Popular Music Educators Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado
This presentation explores concepts of 'leisure' and 'musical activity'
by way of contextualizing the ways in which young people engage with music making as leisure. As such ...
Popular Music Education (R)evolution
Smith, G. D., Moir, Z., Brennan, M., Rambarran, S., & Kirkman, P. (2017)
Popular Music Education (R)evolution. In G. Dylan Smith, Z. Moir, M. Brennan, S. Rambarran, & P. Kirkman (Eds.), The Routledge Research Companion to Popular Music EducationOxon: Taylor & Francis (Routledge
No abstract available.
Routes to Higher Popular Music Education: Curricular Alignment, Autodidacticism, and Access.
Presentation / Conference
Moir, Z., & Stillie, B. (2017, February)
Routes to Higher Popular Music Education: Curricular Alignment, Autodidacticism, and Access. Paper presented at Edinburgh Napier University Innovations in Teaching and Supporting Learning Teaching Fellows Conference
The presence of popular music has, in recent decades, ‘grown in schools, colleges and universities’. While the authors are encouraged by the increase in popular music in form...
Exhibition / Performance
Moir, Z. Deacon. 25 June 2011. (Unpublished))
Moir, Z. Deacon. 25 June 2011. (Unpublished
A performance of an original 'musical' for Cochlear Implant users.
Cochlear Implants and Improved Music Perception
Presentation / Conference
Moir, Z. (2009, September)
Cochlear Implants and Improved Music Perception. Presented at Cochlear Implants and Music Special Interest Group
No abstract available.