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61 results

Introduction and Comparative Perspective

Egdell, V., Atzmuller, R., Raeside, R., & Graham, H. (2014)
Introduction and Comparative Perspective. Brussels: European Commission
No abstract available.

Introduction: empowering young people in disempowering times? Creating collaborative and transformative capabilities through participation

Otto, H., Egdell, V., Bonvin, J., & Atzmüller, R. (2017)
Introduction: empowering young people in disempowering times? Creating collaborative and transformative capabilities through participation. In V. Egdell, H. Otto, J. Bonvin, & R. Atzmüller (Eds.), Empowering Young People in Disempowering Times. Fighting Inequality Through Capability Oriented Policy, 1-19. (1). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
No abstract available.

The impact of welfare reform in Scotland - tracking study - Sweep 3 report

Graham, H., Egdell, V., McQuaid, R., & Raeside, R. (2015)
The impact of welfare reform in Scotland - tracking study - Sweep 3 report
The aim of the study is to explore the impact of on-going welfare changes on a range of households in Scotland over time. This report provides the findings from the first thre...

The Impact of an Ageing Workforce on Hong Kong’s Service Sector

Presentation / Conference
Egdell, V., Fuertes, V., Tjandra, N., & Chen, T. (2017, July)
The Impact of an Ageing Workforce on Hong Kong’s Service Sector. Paper presented at British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference 2017, Swansea, UK
The aim of this research is to explore the impact of the ageing population on employers in the Hong Kong service sector.

An Evaluation of Barnardo's Works Services

McQuaid, R., Dutton, M., Egdell, V., & Canduela, J. (2011)
An Evaluation of Barnardo's Works Services. Scotland: Barnardo's
The overall aim of the research was to evaluate the contribution of BW to young people, employers, society and in meeting national outcomes. Evidence was gathered through int...

Employer Responses to Dementia in the Workplace in Scotland

Presentation / Conference
Egdell, V., Stavert, J., Ritchie, L., Tolson, D., Danson, M., & Cook, M. (2017, July)
Employer Responses to Dementia in the Workplace in Scotland. Paper presented at British Society of Gerontology Annual Conference 2017
The prevalence of dementia in the UK is increasing with over 800,000 people currently affected. Of this number in excess of 40,000 are aged under 65 years suggesting that a si...

Employer Policy and Practice Toward Older Workers in Hong Kong: The Role of Shifting Intergenerational Dynamics

Journal Article
Egdell, V., Fuertes, V., Tjandra, N. C., & Chen, T. (2019)
Employer Policy and Practice Toward Older Workers in Hong Kong: The Role of Shifting Intergenerational Dynamics. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 31(5), 445-466.
Many governments are seeking to encourage the extension of working lives to counteract potential labor market shortages that might result from population aging. Nevertheless, ...

Age management in the workplace: manager and older worker accounts of policy and practice

Journal Article
Egdell, V., Maclean, G., Raeside, R., & Chen, T. (2020)
Age management in the workplace: manager and older worker accounts of policy and practice. Ageing and society, 40(4), 784-804.
The impact of an ageing workforce on the workplace is a concern internationally. Governments are increasingly encouraging the continued labour market participation of older wo...

Operationalisation of the Capability Approach

Book Chapter
Chiappero-Martinetti, E., Egdell, V., Hollywood, E., & McQuaid, R. (2015)
Operationalisation of the Capability Approach. In Facing trajectories from school to work – Towards a capability-friendly Youth Policy in Europe, 115-139. BMC.
The holistic and multilayered structure offered by the Capability Approach makes this theoretical framework particularly suitable for conceptualising and contextualising compl...

The Impact of an Ageing Workforce on Employers in Hong Kong: A Study of the Service Sector

Egdell, V., Fuertes, V., Tjandra, N., Chen, T. & Raeside, R. (2017)
The Impact of an Ageing Workforce on Employers in Hong Kong: A Study of the Service Sector. Edinburgh: Lawrence Ho Research Fund 2016-2017
No abstract available.
14 results

Consultation & Evaluation of Local PACE Partnerships

2015 - 2016
Consultation & Evaluation of Local PACE Partnerships
Funder: Skills Development Scotland | Value: £26,427

Social Innovation-Empowering the Young (SocIEtY) for the Commion Good

2013 - 2016
The project will both focus on and integrate disadvantaged young people into the research process to improve their quality of life and to foster social innovation.
Funder: European Commission | Value: £215,989

The Skills Panorama - Achieving Regional & Local Impact (ARLI)

2013 - 2015
An Agenda for New Skills and Jobs’ prioritises equipping people with the right skills for employment. It recognises the crucial role that developing labour market intelligence and skills governance ha...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £21,108

The Impact of an Ageing Workforce on Employers in Hong Kong: A Study of Service Sectors

2016 - 2017
The aim of this research is to explore the impact of the ageing population on employers in the Hong Kong service sector.
Funder: ENU Development Trust | Value: £28,780

Glasgow Lone Parents Project

2013 - 2015
Exploring the challenges and opportunities facing lone parents, with children over the age of five, in receipt of out of work benefits and moving into paid work as part of the UK government’s welfare ...
Funder: Glasgow Centre for Population Health | Value: £25,063

SOPA 2014

2014 - 2015
Scottish Older People’s Assembly (SOPA) 2014 Evaluation
Funder: City of Edinburgh Council | Value: £4,382

Scottish Older People's Assembly (SOPA) 2013 - Mapping Excercise & Evaluation

2013 - 2014
Our proposal will improve and increase the promotion of equality and opportunity for the engagement, participation and development of older people across Scotland to reduce unlawful discrimination, ha...
Funder: City of Edinburgh Council | Value: £5,000

Ageing Workforce and Employers in Fife

2016 - 2016
The World Health Organisation (WHO) identified the workplace as an important setting to support the promotion of health and wellbeing in 1981 with the introduction of the Health for All strategy, and ...
Funder: NHS Fife | Value: £9,989

Promoting Jobs Growth to Benefit Disadvant. People

2009 - 2011
Funding: Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Northern Ireland Duration: April 2009 – December 2010 Research Team: Prof Ron McQuaid, Dr Ariel Bergmann, Dr Jesus Canduela, Vanesa Fuerte...
Funder: Dept. of Enterprise, Trade and Investment | Value: £54,700

SDS Youth Employability

2012 - 2013
SDS Youth Employability
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £5,252


12 results