12 results

Optimum design of a PV driven transpired plate solar air heater for drying woodchip in Scotland.

Presentation / Conference
Grassie, T. (2011, August)
Optimum design of a PV driven transpired plate solar air heater for drying woodchip in Scotland. Paper presented at Solaris 2011: 5th International Conference on Solar Radiation and Daylighting, BRNO University of Technology, Czech Republic
The design and operation of a PV driven solar air heating system for drying woodchip is considered. For a given weight and moisture content of the woodchip sample, the effect ...

Solar application for Drying Woodchip in Scotland.

Journal Article
Clemente, A., Grassie, T., Henderson, D., & Kubie, J. (2008)
Solar application for Drying Woodchip in Scotland. EuroSun,
A novel solar dryer for drying woodchip has been developed in Scotland. In this paper, designs and performance of both solar collector and dryer have been presented separately...

Modelling bulk water temperature in integrated collector storage systems

Journal Article
Currie, J., Garnier, C., Muneer, T., Grassie, T., & Henderson, D. (2008)
Modelling bulk water temperature in integrated collector storage systems. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 29(3), 203-218. https://doi.org/10.1177/0143624408094277
A simple low cost Integrated Collector Storage Solar Water Heater (ICS-SWH) was proposed for simulation in Scottish weather conditions. The system takes the form of a rectangu...

Finite Volume Computational Fluid Dynamics Package for Solving Convective Heat Transfer Cases

Journal Article
Junaidi, H., Henderson, D., Grassie, T., Currie, J., & Muneer, T. (2008)
Finite Volume Computational Fluid Dynamics Package for Solving Convective Heat Transfer Cases. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 36(2), 92-112. https://doi.org/10.7227/ijmee.36.2.2
Computational fl uid dynamics (CFD) has brought a step change in the fi eld of fl ow analysis, particularly in the areas of fl uid dynamics and heat transfer, which are intert...

Study of an innovative Built-in Storage (Integrated Collector Storage) Solar Water Heater for Scottish Weather Conditions.

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Grassie, T., Junaidi, H., Muneer, T., Currie, J., & Henderson, D. (2006, June)
Study of an innovative Built-in Storage (Integrated Collector Storage) Solar Water Heater for Scottish Weather Conditions. Presented at Eurosun 2006 Conference

Modelling of a low temperature differential Stirling Engine.

Journal Article
Robson, A., Grassie, T. & Kubie, J. (2006)
Modelling of a low temperature differential Stirling Engine. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 221, 927-943. doi:10.1243/09544062JMES631. ISSN 0954-4062
Abstract: A full theoretical model of a low temperature difference Stirling engine is developed in this paper. The model, which starts from the first principles, gives a full ...

Performance and modelling of a PV driven transpired solar air heater.

Conference Proceeding
Grassie, T. (2006)
Performance and modelling of a PV driven transpired solar air heater. ISBN 904963731

Modelling of flow rate in a photovoltaic-driven roof slate-based solar ventilation air preheating system.

Journal Article
Odeh, N. A., Grassie, T., Henderson, D. & Muneer, T. (2006)
Modelling of flow rate in a photovoltaic-driven roof slate-based solar ventilation air preheating system. Energy Conversion and Management. 47, 909-925. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2005.06.005. ISSN 0196-8904
This paper describes the modelling of flow rate in a photovoltaic (PV) driven, roof slate based solar system for preheating ventilation air in cold climates. The system consis...

Experimental and CFD investigation of an ICSSWH at various inclinations

Journal Article
Henderson, D., Junaidi, H., Muneer, T., Grassie, T., & Currie, J. (2007)
Experimental and CFD investigation of an ICSSWH at various inclinations. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 11(6), 1087-1116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2005.11.003
The integrated collector storage (ICS) is the type of solar water heater that has retained its existance for well over a century. The flat absorber plate ICS collector type is...

Heat transfer: a problem solving approach.

Muneer, T., Kubie, J., & Grassie, T. (2002)
Heat transfer: a problem solving approach. Taylor & Francis
A core task of engineers is to analyse energy related problems. The analytical treatment is usually based on principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer, b...
10 results

The development of an asset management process for monitoring the condition of off-road cycle path infrastructure

2012 - 2016
James Calvey | Director of Studies: Dr Mark Taylor | Second Supervisor: Dr John Shackleton

Racking performance of platform timber framed walls

2012 - 2019
In platform timber frame construction, timber walls and diaphragms provide the overall stability for the structure to resist forces that are generate...
Dr Roshan Dhonju | Director of Studies: Dr Bernardino D'Amico | Second Supervisor: Prof Abdy Kermani

Design and modelling of a photovoltaic driven fan solar air heater for drying woodchips in Scotland

2006 - 2011
Andres Clemente | Director of Studies: Dr Tom Grassie | Second Supervisor: Prof Jorge Kubie

Performance measurement and mathematical modelling of integrated solar water heaters

2005 - 2009
Dr Celine Garnier | Director of Studies: Prof John Currie | Second Supervisor: Dr Tom Grassie

Modelling of nonuniform magnetic field effects on partially magnetised Y-junction circulator

2005 - 2009
Hoil Chung | Director of Studies: John Sharp | Second Supervisor: Dr David Binnie

Optimisation of Built-in Storage Solar Water Heater for Scottish Weather Conditions

2004 - 2007
The ICSSWH (Integrated Collector Storage Solar Water Heater), apart from being the oldest is also the most economical...
Haroon Junaidi | Director of Studies: Dr Douglas Henderson | Second Supervisor: Prof Tariq Muneer

2003 - 2007
Andrew Robson | Director of Studies: Prof Jorge Kubie | Second Supervisor: Dr Tom Grassie

The application of human factors through assessment and improvement of behavioural safety to improve safety performance in small to medium sized enterprises

2002 - 2012
User-friendly systems of human factors (HF) ...
Dr William Rose | Director of Studies: Prof Naren Gupta | Second Supervisor: Jay Hoy

2002 - 2005
Naser Odeh | Director of Studies: Dr Tom Grassie | Second Supervisor: Prof Tariq Muneer

1997 - 2001
Dr Tom Grassie | Director of Studies: Prof Tariq Muneer | Second Supervisor: Prof Jorge Kubie

