15 results

How Well Do Computational Features Perceptually Rank Textures? A Comparative Evaluation

Conference Proceeding
Dong, X., Methven, T. S., & Chantler, M. J. (2014)
How Well Do Computational Features Perceptually Rank Textures? A Comparative Evaluation. In ICMR '14 Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 815-824. doi:10.1145/2578726.2578762
Inspired by studies [4, 23, 40] which compared rankings obtained by search engines and human observers, in this paper we compare texture rankings derived by 51 sets of computa...

Research Strategy Generation: Avoiding Academic 'Animal Farm'

Conference Proceeding
Methven, T. S., Padilla, S., Corne, D. W., & Chantler, M. J. (2014)
Research Strategy Generation: Avoiding Academic 'Animal Farm'. In CSCW Companion '14 Proceedings of the companion publication of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work & social computing, 25-28. doi:10.1145/2556420.2556785
In his famous novel, Animal Farm, Orwell coined the phrase 'All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others' [4]. This satirical observation aptly describes...

Stereoscopic viewing, roughness and gloss perception

Methven, T. S. (2014)
Stereoscopic viewing, roughness and gloss perception. (Thesis). Heriot-Watt University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/1321014
This thesis presents a novel investigation into the effect stereoscopic vision has upon the strength of perceived gloss on rough surfaces. We demonstrate that in certain cases...

Problems of Perceiving Gloss on Complex Surfaces

Conference Proceeding
Methven, T. S., & Chantler, M. J. (2012)
Problems of Perceiving Gloss on Complex Surfaces. In Predicting Perceptions: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Appearance, 43-47
Over the past 20 years, there have been many studies looking at how highlight disparity affects an observer's perception of glossiness. Most of these studies ha...

Interactivity to Enhance Perception: Does Increased Interactivity in Mobile Visual Presentation Tools Facilitate More Accurate Rating of Textile Properties?

Conference Proceeding
Orzechowski, P. M., Atkinson, D., Padilla, S., Methven, T. S., Baurley, S., & Chantler, M. (2011)
Interactivity to Enhance Perception: Does Increased Interactivity in Mobile Visual Presentation Tools Facilitate More Accurate Rating of Textile Properties?. In MobileHCI '11 Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, 629-634. doi:10.1145/2037373.2037472
To create a better next-generation textile-browsing interface for iOS devices, we need to establish which elements of an interface are responsible for communicating which text...


