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6 results

What To Study In HCI? A Reflection Based On CHI and UK Research Data

Presentation / Conference
Padilla, S., Methven, T. S., Robb, D. A., & Chantler, M. J. (2015, April)
What To Study In HCI? A Reflection Based On CHI and UK Research Data. Presented at What to Study in HCI? Workshop at CHI’15: 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
HCI is a wide, varied, and complex field that covers a broad spectrum of research. We therefore believe that there is no simple answer to the question 'what to study in HCI?' ...

I Don't Think We've Met: Encouraging Collaboration via Topic-Based Search

Conference Proceeding
Methven, T. S., Padilla, S., & Chantler, M. J. (2015)
I Don't Think We've Met: Encouraging Collaboration via Topic-Based Search. In CSCW'15 Companion Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference Companion on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing, 29-32. doi:10.1145/2685553.2702678
We present PaperPilot1 ( a new tool which performs smart collaborator search using research concepts automatically extracted from the CSCW domain, as charact...

Is British HCI Important? A topic-based comparison with CHI

Presentation / Conference
Padilla, S., Methven, T. S., & Chandler, M. J. (2014, September)
Is British HCI Important? A topic-based comparison with CHI. Paper presented at HCI 2014 - Sand, Sea and Sky - Holiday HCI
We have applied topic modelling to the full-text British HCI and CHI corpora in order to automatically derive one hundred topics and their trends. We use these to compare the ...

Hot topics in CHI: trend maps for visualising research

Conference Proceeding
Padilla, S., Methven, T. S., Corne, D. W., & Chantler, M. J. (2014)
Hot topics in CHI: trend maps for visualising research. In CHI EA '14 CHI '14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 815-824. doi:10.1145/2559206.2578867
The aim of this paper is to introduce a novel method of identifying and visualising research trends in an automated, unbiased way. The output of this we call a 'Trend Map', an...

How Well Do Computational Features Perceptually Rank Textures? A Comparative Evaluation

Conference Proceeding
Dong, X., Methven, T. S., & Chantler, M. J. (2014)
How Well Do Computational Features Perceptually Rank Textures? A Comparative Evaluation. In ICMR '14 Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval, 815-824. doi:10.1145/2578726.2578762
Inspired by studies [4, 23, 40] which compared rankings obtained by search engines and human observers, in this paper we compare texture rankings derived by 51 sets of computa...

Problems of Perceiving Gloss on Complex Surfaces

Conference Proceeding
Methven, T. S., & Chantler, M. J. (2012)
Problems of Perceiving Gloss on Complex Surfaces. In Predicting Perceptions: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Appearance, 43-47
Over the past 20 years, there have been many studies looking at how highlight disparity affects an observer's perception of glossiness. Most of these studies ha...