5 results

Employer Policy and Practice Toward Older Workers in Hong Kong: The Role of Shifting Intergenerational Dynamics

Journal Article
Egdell, V., Fuertes, V., Tjandra, N. C., & Chen, T. (2019)
Employer Policy and Practice Toward Older Workers in Hong Kong: The Role of Shifting Intergenerational Dynamics. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 31(5), 445-466. https://doi.org/10.1080/08959420.2018.1563472
Many governments are seeking to encourage the extension of working lives to counteract potential labor market shortages that might result from population aging. Nevertheless, ...

Age management in the workplace: manager and older worker accounts of policy and practice

Journal Article
Egdell, V., Maclean, G., Raeside, R., & Chen, T. (2020)
Age management in the workplace: manager and older worker accounts of policy and practice. Ageing and society, 40(4), 784-804. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0144686X18001307
The impact of an ageing workforce on the workplace is a concern internationally. Governments are increasingly encouraging the continued labour market participation of older wo...

A study of the UK Information Workforce.

Hall, H., Irving, C., Ryan, B., Raeside, R., Dutton, M., & Chen, T. (2016)
A study of the UK Information Workforce. The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
In 2014, CILIP and the Archives Records Association (UK & Ireland) (ARA) commissioned Edinburgh Napier University to undertake major research to map the workforce across the L...

Development and application of a survey quality assessment model.

Journal Article
Chen, T., Raeside, R., & Khan, H. T. A. (2014)
Development and application of a survey quality assessment model. Global journal of quantitative science, 1(1), 15-29
Until recently research has been undertaken to improve the quality and effectiveness of surveys. By reviewing existing works, an improved model has been developed in this pape...

The Development of a Holistic and Quantitative Tool for the Assessment and Improvement of Survey Quality.

Chen, T. The Development of a Holistic and Quantitative Tool for the Assessment and Improvement of Survey Quality. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/4404
There are a variety of guidelines and methods available to measure and assess survey quality. Most of these are based on qualitative descriptions. In practice, they are not ea...



