14 results

Persuading people to purchase low-emission cars: The potential role of green policy measures.

Presentation / Conference
Borthwick, S., & Carreno, M. (2012, January)
Persuading people to purchase low-emission cars: The potential role of green policy measures. Paper presented at International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, Changsha, China
This paper begins by providing a brief review of the different types of ‘green’ policy taxation measures introduced by various governments to incentivise the purchase of lower...

Exploring the potential for ‘Green’ taxation measures to Influence Individuals' car purchasing decisions.

Presentation / Conference
Borthwick, S., & Carreno, M. (2011, October)
Exploring the potential for ‘Green’ taxation measures to Influence Individuals' car purchasing decisions. Paper presented at European Transport Conference 2011, Glasgow, Scotland

The potential for ‘Green’ fiscal measures to lessen the environmental impact of private car use in Scotland.

Presentation / Conference
Borthwick, S. (2010, May)
The potential for ‘Green’ fiscal measures to lessen the environmental impact of private car use in Scotland. Paper presented at FECCI Postgraduate Research Conference, Edinburgh
The system of vehicle taxation has been identified as a crucial element in the transport policy agenda, particularly in facilitating the transition towards lower emission vehi...

The potential for ‘Green’ fiscal measures to lessen the environmental Impact of car usage in Scotland.

Presentation / Conference
Borthwick, S. (2010, January)
The potential for ‘Green’ fiscal measures to lessen the environmental Impact of car usage in Scotland. Paper presented at 42nd Annual UTSG conference, Plymouth


