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70 results

cde - R package to retrieve data from the Environment Agency Catchment Data Explorer site

Journal Article
Briers, R. (2019)
cde - R package to retrieve data from the Environment Agency Catchment Data Explorer site. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(39),

cde - R package to retrieve data from the Environment Agency Catchment Data Explorer site

Digital Artefact
Briers, R. (2019)
cde - R package to retrieve data from the Environment Agency Catchment Data Explorer site. [Software]

From DNA to ecological performance: Effects of anthropogenic noise on a reef-building mussel

Journal Article
Wale, M. A., Briers, R. A., Hartl, M. G., Bryson, D., & Diele, K. (2019)
From DNA to ecological performance: Effects of anthropogenic noise on a reef-building mussel. Science of the Total Environment, 689, 126-132.
Responses of marine invertebrates to anthropogenic noise are insufficiently known, impeding our understanding of ecosystemic impacts of noise and the development of mitigation...

Optimising camera trap data quality at mammal resting places.

Journal Article
Findlay, M. A., Briers, R. A., & White, P. J. C. (2018)
Optimising camera trap data quality at mammal resting places. In Practice, 24-28
A thorough understanding of how camera traps function is essential for ensuring correct set-up and quality of data. We illustrate the challenges through a case study of camera...

The thin(ning) green line? Investigating changes in Kenya's seagrass coverage

Journal Article
Harcourt, W. D., Briers, R. A., & Huxham, M. (2018)
The thin(ning) green line? Investigating changes in Kenya's seagrass coverage. Biology Letters, 14(11),
Knowledge of seagrass distribution is limited to a few well-studied sites and poor where resourcesare scant (e.g. Africa), hence global estimates of seagrass carbon storage ar...

Data from: The thin(ning) green line? Investigating changes in Kenya’s seagrass coverage

Harcourt, W. D., Briers, R. A., & Huxham, M. (2018)
Data from: The thin(ning) green line? Investigating changes in Kenya’s seagrass coverage. [Dataset].
Knowledge of seagrass distribution is limited to a few well-studied sites and poor where resources are scant (e.g. Africa), hence global estimates of seagrass carbon storage a...

From DNA to Ecological Performance: Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on a Reef-Building Mussel

Wale, M., Diele, K., & Briers, R. (2018)
From DNA to Ecological Performance: Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on a Reef-Building Mussel. [Dataset].

The functional response and resilience in small waterbodies along land-use and environmental gradients

Journal Article
Thornhill, I. A., Biggs, J., Hill, M. J., Briers, R., Gledhill, D., Wood, P. J., …Hassall, C. (2018)
The functional response and resilience in small waterbodies along land-use and environmental gradients. Global Change Biology, 24(7), 3079-3092.
There is growing recognition of the essential services provided to humanity by functionally intact ecosystems. Freshwater ecosystems are found throughout agricultural and urba...

Community heterogeneity of aquatic macroinvertebrates in urban ponds at a multi-city scale

Journal Article
Hill, M. J., Biggs, J., Thornhill, I., Briers, R. A., Ledger, M., Gledhill, D. G., …Hassall, C. (2018)
Community heterogeneity of aquatic macroinvertebrates in urban ponds at a multi-city scale. Landscape Ecology, 33(3), 389-405.
Purpose Urbanisation is a leading cause of biotic homogenisation in urban ecosystems. However, there has been little research examining the effect of urbanisation and biotic h...

Developing an empirical approach to optimal camera-trap deployment at mammal resting sites: evidence from a longitudinal study of an otter Lutra lutra holt

Journal Article
Findlay, M., Briers, R., Diamond, N., & White, P. (2017)
Developing an empirical approach to optimal camera-trap deployment at mammal resting sites: evidence from a longitudinal study of an otter Lutra lutra holt. European journal of wildlife research, 63(6),
The study of nocturnal mammals relies on indirect evidence or invasive methods involving capture and tagging of individuals. Indirect methods are prone to error, while capture...
9 results

Pollination ecosystem service support by sustainable urban drainage systems

2023 - 2026
Pollination ecosystem service support by sustainable urban drainage systems
Funder: Natural Environment Research Council | Value: £49,277

Characterising spatial freshwater soundscapes on an urban-rural gradient

2023 - 2023
The project aims to compare existing methods with a new methodology based on sensor arrays and utilising spatial audio algorithms, which can identify which direction a particular sound comes from and ...
Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council | Value: £27,660

Impacts of forestry on breeding curlew distribution

2023 - 2023
We were approached by Forestry Commission England (FCE) to consider addressing five key questions they had identified as being important in terms of impact of forestry on curlew over the next 5-10 yea...
Funder: Forestry Commission England | Value: £15,037

Optimisation of moorland bird surveys project

2023 - 2023
To analyze existing moorland bird survey data to investigate if there is an optimal (in terms of data quality vs effort level) approach to achieve the aims of detecting, and estimating breeding densit...
Funder: Forestry Commission England | Value: £13,956

Longitudinal variation in methane incorporation into stream food webs

2022 - 2022
Application for SUPER DTP Research Experience Placement student. This is an 8-week research experience internship. The funding covers employment of the student for the period of the project and £500 t...
Funder: Natural Environment Research Council | Value: £3,712

Methane-derived carbon in upland stream foodwebs: understanding the links

2022 - 2023
The work forms part of a SUPER-DTP funded PhD project. The present application relates to the use of stable isotope analysis to elucidate pathways for MDC incorporation in upland streams.
Funder: Natural Environment Research Council

Quantifying AMR in the River Almond Catchment Area

2021 - 2025
Aim To Quantifying AMR Pollution and identify the major sources of point and diffuse AMR pollution in the River Almond Catchment Area in order to provide a baseline for future risk assessment and inte...
Funder: Natural Environment Research Council | Value: £52,080

Methane-derived carbon in upland stream food webs

2020 - 2024
The project is a SUPER-DTP funded PhD studentship. The work will focus on the understanding of the processes involved in, and the significance of, the incorporation of methane as a carbon source via m...
Funder: Natural Environment Research Council | Value: £56,548

Effects of aquatic noise on the European sea urchin Echinus esculentus in different temperature contexts

2017 - 2019
Experiment with single and combined noise and temperature stress treatments
Funder: Marine Alliance for Science & Technology for Scotland (Hosted by St Andrew's University) | Value: £2,000



Qualification level

24 results

PhD Quantifying antibiotic resistance and antibiotic resistance selective chemicals in the River Almond Catchment Area - a baseline for risk assessment and intervention

2023 - date
Fern Fairgrieve | Director of Studies: Dr Donald Morrison

Pollination ecosystem service support by sustainable urban drainage systems

2023 - date
Director of Studies: Dr Gavin Ballantyne | Second Supervisor: Prof Robert Briers

Evaluating the landscape-scale benefits of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems for freshwater biodiversity

2022 - date
Kirsty MacArthur | Director of Studies: Prof Robert Briers | Second Supervisor: Dr Jennifer Dodd

Developing evidence-based guidelines on surveying and mitigation against impacts of infrastructure projects for the protected European badger Meles meles

2022 - date
Barbara Macfarlane | Director of Studies: Dr Patrick White | Second Supervisor: Prof Robert Briers

Methane-derived carbon in upland stream foodwebs: characteristics and significance for carbon cycles

2020 - date
Mike Hinchliffe | Director of Studies: Prof Robert Briers | Second Supervisor: Dr Aimeric Blaud

Investigating drivers of seagrass loss in Kenya and testing local soluations to seagrass conservation

2020 - date
Edward Mwikamba | Director of Studies: Prof Mark Huxham | Second Supervisor: Prof Robert Briers

Optimising Creativity and STEM Pedagogy

2020 - date
Felicity Gregory | Director of Studies: Dr Rory MacLean | Second Supervisor: Dr Colin McGill

Effects of Anthropogenic Sound and Environmental Chemistry on Early Life Stage Aquatic Invertebrates in a Multiple Driver Context

2018 - date
Mr Craig Stenton | Director of Studies: Prof Karen Diele

Responses of aquatic invertebrates to anthropogenic sound across different life history stages

2017 - 2022
Edward Bolger | Director of Studies: Prof Karen Diele | Second Supervisor: Prof Robert Briers

Coriander yield decline: investigating potential management options

2017 - date
Amanda Jones | Director of Studies: Prof Ian Singleton | Second Supervisor: Dr Fiona Stainsby

