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56 results

International Students' First Encounters with Exams in the UK: Superficially Similar But Deeply Different

Journal Article
Pilcher, N., Smith, K., & Riley, J. (2013)
International Students' First Encounters with Exams in the UK: Superficially Similar But Deeply Different. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2013(1), 1-13
Although end of course exams remain a key mode of assessment in higher education, little research has focused on international students' experiences of exams. There seems to b...

The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework: what's academic practice got to do with it?

Journal Article
Fernie, S., Pilcher, N., & Smith, K. L. (2014)
The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework: what's academic practice got to do with it?. European Journal of Education, 49(2), 233-248.
National Qualifications Frameworks (NQF) are a globally established and expanding phenomenon. They are increasingly merging and being mapped onto meta-qualifications framework...

Da capo: A musical technique to evoke narrative recall

Journal Article
Pilcher, N., Cortazzi, M., & Jin, L. (2014)
Da capo: A musical technique to evoke narrative recall. Psychology of Music, 42(4), 483-502.
This article proposes the use of recorded music chosen by researchers to elicit participant accounts of life experiences, a technique we name ‘da capo recall.’ Fifteen mainlan...

Language choices and 'blind shadows': investigating interviews with Chinese participants

Journal Article
Cortazzi, M., Pilcher, N., & Jin, L. (2011)
Language choices and 'blind shadows': investigating interviews with Chinese participants. Qualitative Research, 11(5), 505-535.
This article shows the importance of the language chosen for research interviewing when more than one language could be used. It does so through the context of research with C...

The UK postgraduate Masters dissertation: an ‘elusive chameleon’?

Journal Article
Pilcher, N. (2011)
The UK postgraduate Masters dissertation: an ‘elusive chameleon’?. Teaching in Higher Education. 16(1), 29-40. doi:10.1080/13562517.2011.530752. ISSN 1356-2517
Many studies into the process of producing and supervising dissertations exist, yet little research into the ‘product’ of the Masters dissertation, or into how Masters supervi...

National Qualification Frameworks: developing research perspectives.

Journal Article
Fernie, S. & Pilcher, N. (2008)
National Qualification Frameworks: developing research perspectives. Quality in Higher Education. 15, 221-232. doi:10.1080/13538320903343099. ISSN 1353-8322
Arguments for National Qualification Frameworks (NQF) are compelling. Indeed, such frameworks are now an international phenomenon. Yet, few studies take a critical perspective...

