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65 results

Stimulation of specific binding of [3H]-progesterone to bovine luteal cell-surface membranes: specificity of digitonin

Journal Article
Menzies, G., Howland, K., Rae, M., & Bramley, T. (1999)
Stimulation of specific binding of [3H]-progesterone to bovine luteal cell-surface membranes: specificity of digitonin. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 153, 57-69.
Non-genomic actions of progesterone have been described in the ovary, and luteal membranes of several species have been shown to possess specific binding sites for [3H]-proges...

Bovine ovarian non-genomic progesterone binding sites: presence in follicular and luteal cell membranes

Journal Article
Rae, M., Menzies, G., & Bramley, T. (1998)
Bovine ovarian non-genomic progesterone binding sites: presence in follicular and luteal cell membranes. Journal of Endocrinology, 159, 413-427.
We have shown recently that the bovine corpus luteum (CL) possesses specific luteal cell surface membrane binding sites for progesterone. We have now confirmed and extended th...

Design of hypoxia-targeting radiopharmaceuticals: selective uptake of copper-64 complexes in hypoxic cells in vitro

Journal Article
Dearling, J. L. J., Lewis, J. S., Mullen, G. E. D., Rae, M. T., Zweit, J., & Blower, P. J. (1998)
Design of hypoxia-targeting radiopharmaceuticals: selective uptake of copper-64 complexes in hypoxic cells in vitro. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 25(7), 788-792.
The well-known perfusion tracer CuPTSM, labelled with 62Cu or 64Cu, is believed to be trapped in cells non-selectively by a bioreductive mechanism. It is proposed that by modi...

Specific Non-Genomic, Membrane-Localized Binding Sites for Progesterone in the Bovine Corpus Luteum1

Journal Article
Rae, M. T., Menzies, G. S., McNeilly, A. S., Woad, K., Webb, R., & Bramley, T. A. (1998)
Specific Non-Genomic, Membrane-Localized Binding Sites for Progesterone in the Bovine Corpus Luteum1. Biology of Reproduction, 58(6), 1394-1406.
Fractionation of bovine corpus luteum (CL) homogenates on continuous sucrose density gradients with and without preincubation with 3H-progesterone demonstrated high levels of ...

Protein kinase C- and Ca2+ ionophore-stimulated production of reactive oxygen species in mechanically dispersed isolated bovine luteal cells

Journal Article
Sakka, E., Rae, M., Bramley, T., & Aitken, J. (1997)
Protein kinase C- and Ca2+ ionophore-stimulated production of reactive oxygen species in mechanically dispersed isolated bovine luteal cells. Biology of Reproduction, 57(2), 428-435
We measured the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) using luminol-horseradish peroxidase-induced chemiluminescence in mechanically dispersed cell suspensions from bovi...


Research Centres Groups

Research Areas


5 results

Can exposure to excess androgen during fetal life increase risk of hepatic disease in male offspring?

2019 - 2019
Background Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition. Hyperandrogenaemia characterises PCOS, and is considered an ‘in utero environmental programmer’ of PCOS in female offspring. Male o...
Funder: Society for Reproduction and Fertility | Value: £3,000

Sex-specific disease aetiology from developmental steroid insults: mechanistic understanding and biomarker development towards disease prevention

2017 - 2021
Risks of developing many adult illnesses are set down as we develop in the womb, hence the environment we experience during fetal life needs to be ‘just right’. Understanding how the fetal environmen...
Funder: Medical Research Council | Value: £636,509

Does the gut microbiome play a role in polycystic ovary syndrome?

2017 - 2018
Does the gut microbiome play a role in polycystic ovary syndrome?
Funder: Society for Reproduction and Fertility | Value: £12,250

PCOS and Thyroid dysfunction

2015 - 2015
Undergraduate vacation scholarship application to study the legacy of prenatal programming of polycystic ovary syndrome on postnatal throid function
Funder: Society for Reproduction and Fertility | Value: £2,750

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) developmental model

2010 - 2014
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is common: more than one in 1 in 15 young women has this condition. There are many associated health problems including abnormal periods, miscarriages, infertility, ex...
Funder: Medical Research Council | Value: £130,956
14 results

Investigating the sex-specific legacy of excessive fetal androgen exposure on immune function and hepatic health

2017 - date
Jennifer Mcgeachie | Director of Studies: Prof Mick Rae | Second Supervisor: Dr Amy Poole

Analysing the physiological and molecular mechanisms of metastasis inhibition by Kisspeptins

2016 - 2018
Miguel Hernandez Madrigal | Director of Studies: Dr Sharron Vass | Second Supervisor: Prof Mick Rae

Fatigue and the mind-body relation: A Lacanian exploration

2016 - 2021
This PhD project aims to explore the role of discourse in the formation and manifestation of symptoms related to the condition Chronic Fatigue...
Amanda Diserholt | Director of Studies: Dr Calum Neill | Second Supervisor: Adele Dickson

Endometrial dysfunction as a result of Chlamydial infection

2016 - 2018
Megan Brown | Director of Studies: Dr Nick Wheelhouse | Second Supervisor: Prof Mick Rae

Performance in enduro mountain biking: the influence of training status, recovery and vibration

2016 - 2019
This PhD project is to investigate the physiological demands of elite enduro mountain bike racing. Previ...
Dr Lewis Kirkwood | Director of Studies: Prof G Florida-James | Second Supervisor: Dr Eva Malone

Characterisation of GABAA receptors and cation-chrloride cotransporters in the uterus and their role in pre-term labour

2015 - 2018
Melissa Sutherland | Director of Studies: Dr Amy Poole | Second Supervisor: Dr Jenny Fraser

The role of the cytoskeleton in autophagy and Crohn's disease

2014 - 2020
Olga Biskou | Director of Studies: Dr Craig Stevens | Second Supervisor: Prof Peter Barlow

Examining the nature of talent identification and development within a Nigerian context

2013 - 2016
Adeboye Elumaro | Director of Studies: Prof Russell Martindale | Second Supervisor: Dr Tony Westbury

The role of gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA-A) receptor and cation chloride co-transporters (CCCs) as possible neuroprotective targets in stroke

2013 - 2018
This doctoral research project is concerned with th...
Miguel Ángel Stanislas Martín-Aragón Baudel | Director of Studies: Dr Amy Poole | Second Supervisor: Dr Jenny Fraser

The roles and regulation of cationic host defence peptides in normal and compromised pregnancies

2013 - 2016
Chris Coyle | Director of Studies: Prof Peter Barlow | Second Supervisor: Prof Mick Rae

