68 results

Government Policies and Employers' Attitudes Towards Long-term Unemployed People in Northern Ireland

Journal Article
Sheehan, M., & Tomlinson, M. (1998)
Government Policies and Employers' Attitudes Towards Long-term Unemployed People in Northern Ireland. Journal of Social Policy, 27(4), 447-470. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0047279498005364
The article discusses government policies towards unemployed people in the context of the development of ‘fair employment’ policy in Northern Ireland. It presents results from...

Political Conflict, Partition, and the Underdevelopment of the Irish Economy

Journal Article
Sheehan, M., Hamilton, D., & Munck, R. (1998)
Political Conflict, Partition, and the Underdevelopment of the Irish Economy. Review of Radical Political Economics, 30(1), 1-31. https://doi.org/10.1177/048661349803000101
This paper argues that the partition of Ireland has not only contributed to over seventy years of political instability and conflict, but has also contributed to the underdeve...

The political economy of a divided Ireland

Journal Article
Michie, J., & Sheehan, M. (1998)
The political economy of a divided Ireland. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 22(2), 243-259. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordjournals.cje.a013715
For a peace process in Ireland to succeed it will require an active transition away from the underlying causes of conflict—not just the partition of the country, but the inequ...

The Evolution of Technical Efficiency in the Northern Ireland Manufacturing Sector, 1973-1985

Journal Article
Sheehan, M. (1997)
The Evolution of Technical Efficiency in the Northern Ireland Manufacturing Sector, 1973-1985. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 44(1), 59-81. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9485.00045
This paper uses a stochastic frontier production function approach to measure technical efficiency in firms in Northern Ireland. Firm level census of production panel data wer...

Economic awareness in Northern Ireland

Journal Article
Hitchens, D. M. W. N., Birnie, J. E., & Sheehan, M. (1995)
Economic awareness in Northern Ireland. Research in Education, 54(1), 42-64. https://doi.org/10.1177/003452379505400105
Hitchens, D. M. W. N., Birnie, J. E., & Sheehan, M. (1995). Economic awareness in Northern Ireland. Research in Education, 54(1), 42-64. https://doi.org/10.1177/00345237950540...

Fair employment: an issue for the peace process

Journal Article
Sheehan, M. (1995)
Fair employment: an issue for the peace process. Race and Class, 37(1), 71-82. https://doi.org/10.1177/030639689503700107
Sheehan, M. (1995). Fair employment: an issue for the peace process. Race and Class, 37(1), 71-82. https://doi.org/10.1177/030639689503700107

The Investment Decision-making Process and Investment Determinants in the Northern Ireland Manufacturing Sector

Journal Article
Sheehan, M. (1994)
The Investment Decision-making Process and Investment Determinants in the Northern Ireland Manufacturing Sector. Regional Studies, 28(5), 511-520. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343409412331348436
The investment decision-making process and investment determinants in the Northern Ireland manufacturing sector, Reg. Studies 28, 511-520. The way in which companies make inve...

Government Financial Assistance and Manufacturing Investment in Northern Ireland

Journal Article
Sheehan, M. (1993)
Government Financial Assistance and Manufacturing Investment in Northern Ireland. Regional Studies, 27(6), 527-540. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343409312331347745
This paper analyses the influence of government grants on the investment decision making process in the Northern Ireland manufacturing sector. The paper is based on detailed i...
