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5 results

Female Gaze Behaviour, Status and the Menstrual Cycle: An Exploratory Study

Journal Article
Sharp, M. A., & Hamilton, G. E. (2017)
Female Gaze Behaviour, Status and the Menstrual Cycle: An Exploratory Study. Human Ethology, 32(1), 29-41.
Whilst not explaining all social behaviour and organisation, dominance is nevertheless an important dimension of human social interaction. It has been hypothesized that gaze b...

Sex-Role Orientation in Men Is Related to Salivary Testosterone Levels

Journal Article
Smith, M. J. L., Deady, D. K., Sharp, M. A., & Al-Dujaili, E. A. S. (2013)
Sex-Role Orientation in Men Is Related to Salivary Testosterone Levels. Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 3(7), 518-521.
Previous research has implicated the involvement of androgens in sex-role orientation in males, from studies of 2 nd to 4 th digit ratio (a purported marker of prenatal testos...

Cues to sex- and stress-hormones in the human male face: Functions of glucocorticoids in the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis

Journal Article
Moore, F., Al Dujaili, E., Cornwell, R., Smith, M. L., Lawson, J., Sharp, M., & Perrett, D. (2011)
Cues to sex- and stress-hormones in the human male face: Functions of glucocorticoids in the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis. Hormones and Behavior, 60(3), 269-274.
The stress-linked version of the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis has been proposed to account for inconsistencies in relationships between testosterone and immune respons...

Evidence for the stress-linked immunocompetence handicap hypothesis in human male faces

Journal Article
Moore, F. R., Cornwell, R. E., Law Smith, M. J., Al Dujaili, E. A. S., Sharp, M., & Perrett, D. I. (2011)
Evidence for the stress-linked immunocompetence handicap hypothesis in human male faces. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 278(1706), 774-780.
The stress-linked immunocompetence handicap hypothesis (SL-ICHH) of sexual selection incorporates a role of the stress hormone corticosterone (C; cortisol in humans) in relati...

Raised salivary testosterone in women is associated with increased attraction to masculine faces

Journal Article
Welling, L., Jones, B., DeBruine, L., Conway, C., Law Smith, M., Little, A., …Al-Dujaili, E. (2007)
Raised salivary testosterone in women is associated with increased attraction to masculine faces. Hormones and Behavior, 52(2), 156-161.
Women's preferences for masculinity in men's faces, voices and behavioral displays change during the menstrual cycle and are strongest around ovulation. While previous finding...



