Visual cleaning of genotype data.
Conference Proceeding
Kennedy, J., Graham, M., Paterson, T., & Law, A. (2013)
Visual cleaning of genotype data. In Proceedings of BioVis 2013, 105-112.
While some data cleaning tasks can be performed automatically, many more require expert human guidance to steer the cleaning process, especially if erroneous or unclean data i...
Redeeming pedigree data with an interactive error cleaning visualisation.
Conference Proceeding
Graham, M., Kennedy, J., Paterson, T., & Law, A. (2012)
Redeeming pedigree data with an interactive error cleaning visualisation. In Proceedings of Advanced Visual Interfaces 2012, 741-744.
We describe a visual data cleansing application for pedigree genotype data, which is used to redeem otherwise unusable pedigree data sets. Biologists and bioinformaticians dyn...