46 results

Utilising a data capture tool to populate a cardiac rehabilitation registry: a feasibility study

Journal Article
O’Neil, A., Cadilhac, D. A., Grace, S. L., Thomas, E., Grace, S., Boyle, D., …O'Neil, A. (2020)
Utilising a data capture tool to populate a cardiac rehabilitation registry: a feasibility study. Heart, Lung and Circulation, 29(2), 224-232. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hlc.2018.12.012
Background: Clinical registries are effective for monitoring clinical practice, yet manual data collection can limit their implementation and sustainability. The objective of ...

Telehealth interventions for the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Journal Article
Jin, K., Khonsari, S., Gallagher, R., Gallagher, P., Clark, A. M., Freedman, B., …Neubeck, L. (2019)
Telehealth interventions for the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 18(4), https://doi.org/10.1177/1474515119826510
Background - Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a major cause of death worldwide. Cardiac rehabilitation (CR), an evidence-based CHD secondary prevention programme, remains under...

eHealth tools to provide structured assistance for Atrial Fibrillation Screening, Management And guideline Recommended Therapy in metropolitan general practice: the AF-SMART study

Journal Article
Orchard, J., Neubeck, L., Freedman, B., Li, J., Webster, R., Zwar, N., …Lowres, N. (2019)
eHealth tools to provide structured assistance for Atrial Fibrillation Screening, Management And guideline Recommended Therapy in metropolitan general practice: the AF-SMART study. Journal of the American Heart Association JAHA, 8(1), https://doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.118.010959
Background: This eHealth implementation study aimed to evaluate strategies to promote opportunistic atrial fibrillation (AF) screening using electronic screening prompts and ...

White paper on inequalities and unmet needs in the detection of atrial fibrillation (AF) and use of therapies to prevent AF-related stroke in Europe

Camm, J., Antoniou, S., Caso, V., Doehner, W., Eisle, J., Engdahl, J., …Vanhooren, G. (2018)
White paper on inequalities and unmet needs in the detection of atrial fibrillation (AF) and use of therapies to prevent AF-related stroke in Europe. BMS–Pfizer Alliance
No abstract available.

Increasing The Uptake Of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training Within Australian Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs

Presentation / Conference
Cartledge, S., Bray, J. E., Stubb, D., Finn, J., & Neubeck, L. (2018, November)
Increasing The Uptake Of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Training Within Australian Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs. Presented at American Heart Association
Introduction: Outpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs provide an ideal environment to deliver targeted cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training to cardiac patients and ...

Atrial Fibrillation Screen, Management And Guideline Recommended Therapy (AF SMART II) in the rural primary care setting: an implementation study protocol

Journal Article
Orchard, J. J., Neubeck, L., Freedman, B., Webster, R., Patel, A., Gallagher, R., …Lowres, N. (2018)
Atrial Fibrillation Screen, Management And Guideline Recommended Therapy (AF SMART II) in the rural primary care setting: an implementation study protocol. BMJ Open, 8(10), https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023130
Introduction: Screening for atrial fibrillation (AF) in people ≥65 years is now recommended by guidelines and expert consensus. While AF is often asymptomatic, it is the most ...

Scottish National Inquiry on Atrial Fibrillation.

Presentation / Conference
Neubeck, L., Barclay, K., Dunn, M., Oliver, C., Armitage, W., Hudson, P., …Quinn, T. J. (2018, August)
Scottish National Inquiry on Atrial Fibrillation. Paper presented at Australian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Association ASM (Prize Session Finalist), Brisbane, Australia
Background: Understanding Atrial Fibrillation (AF) management in Scotland was identified as a key priority at the Cross Party Group for Heart Disease and Stroke which meets re...

The global cardiac rehabilitation program survey: Program resources and impact in Australia.

Presentation / Conference
Gallagher, R., Supervia, M., Neubeck, L., Turk-Adawi, K., Candelaria, D., Ladak, L., & Grace, S. (2018, August)
The global cardiac rehabilitation program survey: Program resources and impact in Australia. Paper presented at Australian Cardiovascular Health and Rehabilitation Association ASM, Brisbane, Australia
No abstract available.

Mobile technology utilization among patients from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds attending cardiac rehabilitation.

Journal Article
Zhang, L., Ding, D., Neubeck, L., Gallagher, P., Paull, G., Gao, Y., & Gallagher, R. (2018)
Mobile technology utilization among patients from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds attending cardiac rehabilitation. JMIR Cardio, 2(1), https://doi.org/10.2196/cardio.9424
Background: Barriers to attending cardiac rehabilitation (CR), including cultural and linguistic differences, may be addressed by recent technological developments. However, t...

Opinion: Atrial fibrillation: is there enough evidence to recommend opportunistic or systematic screening?

Journal Article
Orchard, J., Lowres, N., Neubeck, L., & Freedman, B. (2018)
Opinion: Atrial fibrillation: is there enough evidence to recommend opportunistic or systematic screening?. International Journal of Epidemiology, 47(5), 1372-1378. https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyy156
No abstract available.
6 results

Recovery from Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection

2023 - 2025
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is increasingly recognised as an important cause of myocardial infarction (MI). Despite this, there are no recovery programmes tailored for SCAD survivors...
Funder: Burdett Trust for Nursing | Value: £184,716

Qualitative study to explore the acceptability of an accelerated syncope strategy to patients and staff involved in the ASPIRED trial

2022 - 2024
The BHF funded ASPIRED study aims to determine whether immediate, enhanced (14-day) ambulatory ECG monitoring decreases the number of episodes of syncope at one year compared to standard care monitori...
Funder: British Heart Foundation | Value: £17,189

Who benefits from cardiovascular risk reduction programmes? Building a Scottish observatory to measure the impact of blood pressure (BP) telemonitoring and future cardiovascular risk reduction interve...

2020 - 2024
The British Heart Foundation is partnering the Scottish Government in supporting the roll out of an evidence based BP telemonitoring initiative (scale up BP) in order to facilitate increased detection...
Funder: British Heart Foundation | Value: £194,845

ACS discharge and medication education using Avatar technologies to prevent 30-day readmission.

2020 - 2022
Australian data report that up to 1 in 5 acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients are readmitted within 30-days.[1] It is estimated that between 2017-18, ACS events cost Australia $1,930 million.[2] Int...

Increasing medication adherence among adults with atrial fibrillation: A Medical Research Council complex intervention framework development and feasibility study.

2019 - 2023
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common abnormal heart rhythm affecting more than 1-million people in Scotland. People with AF are five-times more likely to have a stroke and twice as likely to die, comp...
Funder: Chief Scientists Office | Value: £283,191

Secondary detection of atrial fibrillation

2018 - 2019
Secondary detection of atrial fibrillation post stroke.
Funder: Digital Health Institute | Value: £29,423


