22 results

The future of sight-loss education in occupational therapy: a qualitative study

Presentation / Conference
Sammon, K., & James, K. (2021, June)
The future of sight-loss education in occupational therapy: a qualitative study. Poster presented at RCOT Annual Conference, Online

Integrating education for Allied Health Professionals and Social Work to meet the health and social care needs for tomorrow's Scottish population

Presentation / Conference
Anne McKay, E., James, K., Hislop, J., MacDonald, D., & Yates, P. (2019, July)
Integrating education for Allied Health Professionals and Social Work to meet the health and social care needs for tomorrow's Scottish population. Poster presented at Occupational Therapy Australia 28th Conference & Exhibition
Introduction: Integration of health and social care services in Scotland has been described as being the most significant change to health and social care provision since 1948...

Development of an Integrated Curriculum for Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Social Work Students in Scotland

Presentation / Conference
Hislop, J., MacDonald, D., Yates, P., James, K., McLelland, C., Hillen, P., …McKay, E. (2019, May)
Development of an Integrated Curriculum for Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Social Work Students in Scotland. Poster presented at World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Geneva, Switzerland
Background: The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act (2014) came into effect in April 2016 bringing in integration of adult health and social care services in Scotland...

Making Integrated Health and Social Care Education a Reality: A Scottish Example

Presentation / Conference
McKay, E., James, K., Macdonald, D., Hislop, J., & Yates, P. (2018, October)
Making Integrated Health and Social Care Education a Reality: A Scottish Example. Paper presented at 24th ENOTHE Annual Meeting 2018
Integration of health and social care services in Scotland has been described as being the most significant change to health and social care provision since 1948 (Scottish Gov...

Occupational therapists in emergency departments: A qualitative study

Journal Article
James, K., Jones, D., Kempenaar, . L., Preston, J., & Kerr, S. (2018)
Occupational therapists in emergency departments: A qualitative study. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 81(3), https://doi.org/10.1177/0308022617744510
Introduction Globally, occupational therapists are establishing their role in emergency care, especially in emergency departments. This practice development merits investigati...

Emergency Departments and Occupational Therapy: Integration, Unscheduled Care and Over-crowding

Journal Article
James, K. Emergency Departments and Occupational Therapy: Integration, Unscheduled Care and Over-crowding. International journal of integrated care, 17(5), A387. https://doi.org/10.5334/ijic.3705

James, K. Emergency Departments and Occupational Therapy: Integration, Unscheduled Care and Over-crowding. International journal of integrated care, 17(5), A387. https://doi.org/10.5334/ijic.3705
Introduction: Globally, over-crowding within Emergency Departments is becoming a serious concern (Walker et al 2016) impacting on patient safety (Pines et al 2011) and work-re...

Our Visit

James, K., Sneddon, B., Brown, M., & Tolson, D. (2017)
Our Visit. Edinburgh: Queens Nursing Institute Scotland
The QNIS study explored hospital visiting time for people with dementia from the perspective of professional care givers. This was important because older people with dementia...

Being Home: Housing and Dementia in Scotland

James, K. (2017)
Being Home: Housing and Dementia in Scotland. Life Changes Trust
This report has identified the important role suitable housing plays in the life of the person affected by dementia, including family, friends, neighbours and practitioners. F...

Towards improved decision support in the assessment and management of pain for people with dementia in hospital: a systematic meta-review and observational study

Journal Article
Closs, S. J., Dowding, D., Allcock, N., Hulme, C., Keady, J., Sampson, E. L., …Lichtner, V. (2016)
Towards improved decision support in the assessment and management of pain for people with dementia in hospital: a systematic meta-review and observational study. Health Services and Delivery Research, 4(30), 1-162. https://doi.org/10.3310/hsdr04300
Background Pain and dementia are common in older people, and impaired cognitive abilities make it difficult for them to communicate their pain. Pain, if poorly managed, impai...

The assessment and management of pain in patients with dementia in hospital settings: a multi-case exploratory study from a decision making perspective

Journal Article
Lichtner, V., Dowding, D., Allcock, N., Keady, J., Sampson, E. L., Briggs, M., …Closs, S. J. (2016)
The assessment and management of pain in patients with dementia in hospital settings: a multi-case exploratory study from a decision making perspective. BMC Health Services Research, 16(1), https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-016-1690-1
BACKGROUND: Pain is often poorly managed in people who have a dementia. Little is known about how this patient population is managed in hospital, with research to date focused...



