19 results

Embodied online dance learning objectives of CAROUSEL +

Conference Proceeding
Mitchell, K., Koniaris, B., Tamariz, M., Kennedy, J., Cheema, N., Mekler, E., …Mac Williams, C. (2021)
Embodied online dance learning objectives of CAROUSEL +. In 2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) (309-313). https://doi.org/10.1109/VRW52623.2021.00062
This is a position paper concerning the embodied dance learning objectives of the CAROUSEL + 1 project, which aims to impact how online immersive technologies influence multiu...

Depth codec for real-time, high-quality light field reconstruction

Mitchell, K., Koniaris, C., Kosek, M., & Sinclair, D. Depth codec for real-time, high-quality light field reconstruction. US20190313080A1

Mitchell, K., Koniaris, C., Kosek, M., & Sinclair, D. Depth codec for real-time, high-quality light field reconstruction. US20190313080A1
Systems, methods, and articles of manufacture are disclosed that enable the compression of depth data and real-time reconstruction of high-quality light fields. In one aspect,...

Memory Allocation For Seamless Media Content Presentation

Mitchell, K., Koniaris, C., & Chitalu, F. (2019)
Memory Allocation For Seamless Media Content Presentation. US20190096028
A system for performing memory allocation for seamless media content presentation includes a computing platform having a CPU, a GPU having a GPU memory, and a main memory stor...

Real-time rendering with compressed animated light fields

Mitchell, K., Koniaris, C., Kosek, M., & Sinclair, D. (2018)
Real-time rendering with compressed animated light fields. US20180322691
Systems, methods, and articles of manufacture for real-time rendering using compressed animated light fields are disclosed. One embodiment provides a pipeline, from offline re...

GPU-accelerated depth codec for real-time, high-quality light field reconstruction

Journal Article
Koniaris, B., Kosek, M., Sinclair, D., & Mitchell, K. (2018)
GPU-accelerated depth codec for real-time, high-quality light field reconstruction. Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1(1), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1145/3203193
Pre-calculated depth information is essential for efficient light field video rendering, due to the prohibitive cost of depth estimation from color when real-time performance ...

System and method of presenting views of a virtual space

Mitchell, K., Koniaris, C., Iglesias-Guitian, J., Moon, B., & Smolikowski, E. (2018)
System and method of presenting views of a virtual space. US20180114343
Views of a virtual space may be presented based on predicted colors of individual pixels of individual frame images that depict the views of the virtual space. Predictive mode...

Compressed Animated Light Fields with Real-time View-dependent Reconstruction

Journal Article
Koniaris, C., Kosek, M., Sinclair, D., & Mitchell, K. (2019)
Compressed Animated Light Fields with Real-time View-dependent Reconstruction. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 25(4), 1666-1680. https://doi.org/10.1109/tvcg.2018.2818156
We propose an end-to-end solution for presenting movie quality animated graphics to the user while still allowing the sense of presence afforded by free viewpoint head motion....

Method for Efficient CPU-GPU Streaming for Walkthrough of Full Motion Lightfield Video

Conference Proceeding
Chitalu, F. M., Koniaris, B., & Mitchell, K. (2017)
Method for Efficient CPU-GPU Streaming for Walkthrough of Full Motion Lightfield Video. In CVMP 2017: Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2017). https://doi.org/10.1145/3150165.3150173
Lightfield video, as a high-dimensional function, is very demanding in terms of storage. As such, lightfield video data, even in a compressed form, do not typically fit in GPU...

IRIDiuM+: deep media storytelling with non-linear light field video

Conference Proceeding
Kosek, M., Koniaris, B., Sinclair, D., Markova, D., Rothnie, F., Smoot, L., & Mitchell, K. (2017)
IRIDiuM+: deep media storytelling with non-linear light field video. In SIGGRAPH '17 ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 VR Village. https://doi.org/10.1145/3089269.3089277
We present immersive storytelling in VR enhanced with non-linear sequenced sound, touch and light. Our Deep Media (Rose 2012) aim is to allow for guests to physically enter re...

Real-time rendering with compressed animated light fields.

Conference Proceeding
Koniaris, B., Kosek, M., Sinclair, D., & Mitchell, K. (2017)
Real-time rendering with compressed animated light fields. In GI '17 Proceedings of the 43rd Graphics Interface Conference. , (33-40). https://doi.org/10.20380/GI2017.05
We propose an end-to-end solution for presenting movie quality animated graphics to the user while still allowing the sense of presence afforded by free viewpoint head motion....