8 results

Modelling Cycling Flow for the estimation of cycling risk at a meso urban spatial level

Journal Article
Meade, S., & Stewart, K. (2018)
Modelling Cycling Flow for the estimation of cycling risk at a meso urban spatial level. Transportation Research Procedia, 34, 59-66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro.2018.11.014
One of the prevailing challenges in cycling research, or indeed any vulnerable road user research, is the availability of data to ascertain a representative level of 'exposure...

Dynamic congestion charging: Investigating boundary effects when applying low-revenue tolls.

Journal Article
Stewart, K., & Ge, Y. (2015)
Dynamic congestion charging: Investigating boundary effects when applying low-revenue tolls. International Journal of Transportation, 3(2), 17-30
This paper investigates the impact of realistic congestion charging regimes where undesired boundary effects of imposing charges may occur and may be both temporal and spatial...

Investigating boundary effects of congestion charging in a single bottleneck scenario

Journal Article
Ge, Y., Stewart, K., Liu, Y., Tang, C., & Liu, B. (2015)
Investigating boundary effects of congestion charging in a single bottleneck scenario. Transport, 1-15
This paper investigates the impact of realistic congestion charging regimes where undesired boundary effects of imposing charges may occur and may be both temporal and spatial...

Cycle lanes: their effect on driver passing distances in urban areas.

Journal Article
Stewart, K., & McHale, A. (2014)
Cycle lanes: their effect on driver passing distances in urban areas. Transport, 29, 307-316. https://doi.org/10.3846/16484142.2014.953205
The current literature in the field of cycle lanes has often shown contradictory evidence as to the benefits and risks of cycle lanes and previous work has specifically shown ...

Optimising time-varying network flows by low-revenue tolling under dynamic user equilibrium.

Journal Article
Stewart, K., & Ge, Y. (2014)
Optimising time-varying network flows by low-revenue tolling under dynamic user equilibrium. European journal of transport and infrastructure research, 14, 30-45
This paper presents a dynamic congestion charging framework that includes a dynamic user equilibrium (DUE) network model to optimize a tolling scheme, whose objective(s) may b...

Investigating undesired spatial and temporal boundary effects of congestion charging.

Journal Article
Ge, Y., Stewart, K., Sun, B., Ban, X., & Zhang, S. (2014)
Investigating undesired spatial and temporal boundary effects of congestion charging. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1080/21680566.2014.961044
Two types of reported problems are related to the existing congestion charging projects that levy traffic only in a certain area within one or a few time periods during the da...

Tolling traffic links under stochastic assignment: Modelling the relationship between the number and price level of tolled links and optimal traffic flows

Journal Article
Stewart, K. (2007)
Tolling traffic links under stochastic assignment: Modelling the relationship between the number and price level of tolled links and optimal traffic flows. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 41(7), 644-654. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2006.09.015
The classical road-tolling problem is to toll network links such that under the principles of Wardropian User Equilibrium Assignment a System Optimising (SO) flow pattern is o...

Stochastic social optimum traffic assignment

Journal Article
Maher, M., Stewart, K., & Rosa, A. (2005)
Stochastic social optimum traffic assignment. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 39(8), 753-767. doi:10.1016/j.trb.2004.10.001
This paper formulates a Stochastic Social Optimum (SSO) that relates to the Stochastic User Equilibrium (SUE) in the same way as the Social Optimum (SO) relates to the User Eq...



