14 results

Contestability in bus markets – evidence from the British de-regulated market

Journal Article
Cowie, J. (2012)
Contestability in bus markets – evidence from the British de-regulated market. Applied Economics, 44, 4777-4785. https://doi.org/10.1080/00036846.2011.564146
Following the 1985 Transport Act in Great Britain, reforms in the provision of bus services continue across Europe and other parts of the world to this day. The British experi...

Rail Freight in Great Britain – has privatisation made a noticeable difference?

Presentation / Conference
Cowie, J. (2012, January)
Rail Freight in Great Britain – has privatisation made a noticeable difference?. Presented at 44th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group, University of Aberdeen
This paper briefly outlines the main changes brought about by the Railways Act 1993 with regard to the rail freight sector and then examines development of the sector since th...

An analysis of transport firms' transaction costs - are airlines any different?

Presentation / Conference
Merkert, R., & Cowie, J. (2010, July)
An analysis of transport firms' transaction costs - are airlines any different?. Paper presented at The 2010 Conference of the Air Transport Research Society, Porto

Acquisition, efficiency and scale economies – an analysis of the British bus industry.

Journal Article
Cowie, J. (2002)
Acquisition, efficiency and scale economies – an analysis of the British bus industry. Transport Reviews. 22, 147-157. doi:10.1080/014416400110076267. ISSN 0144-1647
The British Bus industry has undergone considerable transformation since privatization. Five major operators have emerged to dominate the market, a position almost exclusively...