9 results

VIPER: a visualisation tool for exploring inheritance inconsistencies in genotyped pedigrees

Journal Article
Paterson, T., Graham, M., Kennedy, J., & Law, A. (2012)
VIPER: a visualisation tool for exploring inheritance inconsistencies in genotyped pedigrees. BMC Bioinformatics, 13/8, https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-13-S8-S5
Pedigree genotype datasets are used for analysing genetic inheritance and to map genetic markers and traits. Such datasets consist of hundreds of related animals genotyped for...

A comparison of techniques for name matching

Journal Article
Peng, T., Li, L., & Kennedy, J. (2012)
A comparison of techniques for name matching. GSTF journal on computing, 2,
Information explosion is a problem for everyone nowadays. It is a great challenge to all kinds of businesses to maintain high quality of data in their information applications...

A standard data model representation for taxonomic information.

Journal Article
Kennedy, J., Hyam, R., Kukla, R., & Paterson, T. (2006)
A standard data model representation for taxonomic information. OMICS, 10, 220-230. doi:10.1089/omi.2006.10.220
The names used by biologists to label the observations they make are imprecise. This is an issue as workers increasingly seek to exploit data gathered from multiple, unrelated...

The Prometheus Description Model: an examination of the taxonomic description-building process and its representation

Journal Article
Pullan, M. R., Armstrong, K. E., Paterson, T., Cannon, A., Kennedy, J. B., Watson, M. F., …Raguenaud, C. (2005)
The Prometheus Description Model: an examination of the taxonomic description-building process and its representation. Taxon, 54(3), 751-765. https://doi.org/10.2307/25065431
A model for representing taxonomic descriptive data is presented. The model has been developed in response to the growing requirement for the global exchange of descriptive da...

Novel visualisation techniques for working with multiple, overlapping classification hierarchies

Journal Article
Graham, M., Watson, M. F., & Kennedy, J. (2002)
Novel visualisation techniques for working with multiple, overlapping classification hierarchies. Taxon, 51, 351-358
A Java-based program is presented that provides a visualisation tool for display of and comparison between classification hierarchies. Taxa, or groups of taxa, can be tracked ...

Implementation of the Prometheus Taxonomic Model: a comparison of database models and query languages and an introduction to the Prometheus Object-Oriented Model.

Journal Article
Raguenaud, C., Pullan, M. R., Watson, M. F., Kennedy, J., Newman, M. F., & Barclay, P. J. (2002)
Implementation of the Prometheus Taxonomic Model: a comparison of database models and query languages and an introduction to the Prometheus Object-Oriented Model. Taxon, 51(1), 131-142. https://doi.org/10.2307/1554970
Types of databases commonly used for handling taxonomic data are compared. It is shown that none of the existing types of databases fully support the requirements of taxonomic...

Providing views and closure for the object data management group object model

Journal Article
Roantree, M., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. (1999)
Providing views and closure for the object data management group object model. Information and Software Technology, 41(15), 1037-1044. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0950-5849%2899%2900042-7
The ODMG Object Model uses a standard for object-oriented database designers, while attempting to address some issues of interoperability. This research is focused on the viab...

A framework for information visualisation

Journal Article
Kennedy, J., Mitchell, K., & Barclay, P. J. (1996)
A framework for information visualisation. SIGMOD record, 25, 30-34
In this paper we examine the issues involved in developing information visualisation systems and present a framework for their construction. The framework addresses the compon...

Semantic integrity for persistent objects

Journal Article
Barclay, P. J., & Kennedy, J. (1992)
Semantic integrity for persistent objects. Information and Software Technology, 34(8), 533-541. https://doi.org/10.1016/0950-5849%2892%2990147-H
Modelling constructs for specifying semantic integrity are reviewed, and their implicit execution semantics discussed. An integrity maintenance model based on these constructs...