10 results

Teallach: a model-based user interface development environment for object databases

Conference Proceeding
Griffiths, T., Barclay, P. J., McKirdy, J., Paton, N. W., Gray, P. D., Kennedy, J., …Smyth, M. (1999)
Teallach: a model-based user interface development environment for object databases. In Proceedings [IEEE] User Interfaces to Data Intensive Systems (86-96). https://doi.org/10.1109/UIDIS.1999.791465
Model-based user interface development environments show promise for improving the productivity of user interface developers, and possibly for improving the quality of develop...

Teallach: a model-based user interface development environment for object databases

Journal Article
Griffiths, T., Barclay, P. J., Paton, N. W., McKirdy, J., Kennedy, J., Gray, P., …Pinherio da Silva, P. (2001)
Teallach: a model-based user interface development environment for object databases. Interacting with Computers, 14(1), 31-68. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0953-5438%2801%2900042-x
Model-based user interface development environments show promise for improving the productivity of user-interface developers and possibly for improving the quality of develope...

Regaining the conceptual level in object oriented modelling

Conference Proceeding
Barclay, P. J., & Kennedy, J. (1991)
Regaining the conceptual level in object oriented modelling. In Proceedings of the 9th British National Conference on Databases, Aspects of Databases, (BNCOD 9) (269-305
This paper attempts to develop a conceptual model for the object oriented description of data. We abstract from various logical model features essential for thinking about dat...

A framework for user-interfaces to databases

Conference Proceeding
Mitchell, K., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. (1996)
A framework for user-interfaces to databases. In T. Catarci, M. F. Costabile, S. Levialdi, & G. Santucci (Eds.), Proceedings [of the] 3rd International Workshop on Advanced Visual Interfaces, AVI'96 (81-90). https://doi.org/10.1145/948449.948462
A framework for user-interfaces to databases (IDSs) is proposed which draws from existing research on human computer interaction (HCI) and database systems. The framework is d...

Using a metadata software layer in information systems integration.

Conference Proceeding
Roantree, M., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. (2001)
Using a metadata software layer in information systems integration. In Advanced systems engineering: CAiSE'01 - Software Engineering meets Information Systems Engineering (299-314). https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-45341-5_20
A federated information system requires that multiple (often heterogenous) information systems are integrated to an extent that they can share data. This shared data often tak...

A problem in querying recursive patterns with OQL

Working Paper
Raguenaud, C., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. A problem in querying recursive patterns with OQL

Raguenaud, C., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. A problem in querying recursive patterns with OQL
This paper analyses the problem generated by recursive patterns in typed query languages such as OQL [Cattell '97]. Recursive patterns describe hierarchical structures such as...

A dual-level presentation model for developing user-interfaces.

Conference Proceeding
Barclay, P. J., & Kennedy, J. (2000)
A dual-level presentation model for developing user-interfaces. In V. Gesu, S. Levialdi, & L. Tarantino (Eds.), Proceedings of the workshop on Advanced Visual Interfaces (151-154
The visualisation of hierarchical information sets has been a staple of Information Visualisation since the field came into being in the early 1990’s. However, at present, sup...

The Prometheus taxonomic database

Conference Proceeding
Raguenaud, C., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. (2000)
The Prometheus taxonomic database. In Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Bio-Informatics and Biomedical Engineering (63-70). https://doi.org/10.1109/bibe.2000.889590
M.R. Pullen et al. (2000) have designed a new model of plant taxonomy (called Prometheus); it supports multiple overlapping classifications, and distinguishes the process of n...

Query Language For Prometheus

Raguenaud, C., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. Query Language For Prometheus. Napier University

Raguenaud, C., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. Query Language For Prometheus. Napier University
This document presents the query language developed for the Prometheus database [RKB99]. This language is based on graphs and provides the user with a means to define the data...

Database support for taxonomy

Raguenaud, C., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. (1999)
Database support for taxonomy. Napier University
Taxonomists classify the organisms they study in order to refer to, identify and understand them. However, the same organism may at times be classified according to different ...



