4 results

The emotional labour of teleworkers conducting online counselling during Covid-19.

Journal Article
O'Neil, J., Heidl, B. H., Bratton, A., Vossler, A., & Moller, N. (in press)
The emotional labour of teleworkers conducting online counselling during Covid-19. New Technology, Work and Employment, https://doi.org/10.1111/ntwe.12284
Drawing on emotional labour theory, this paper explores the barriers to emotionally complex telework, with a specific focus on the space, interface and pace of work. We examin...

From “dirty” oil and gas to green energy: Workers’ views on skills transition

Presentation / Conference
Heidl, B., O'Neil, J., & Bratton, A. (2024, April)
From “dirty” oil and gas to green energy: Workers’ views on skills transition. Presented at 42nd International Labour Process Conference 2024 (ILPC 2024), Göttingen
As the environmental agenda progresses worldwide, it is clear that the move to sustainable forms of energy is both crucial and inevitable. For UK workers currently employed in...

Leadership development in the Hong Kong Civil Service: Accessing social resources through guanxi networks

Journal Article
O’Neil, J. J., McMillan, J., & Garavan, T. (in press)
Leadership development in the Hong Kong Civil Service: Accessing social resources through guanxi networks. Public Administration and Development, https://doi.org/10.1002/pad.2040
Drawing on guanxi and conservation of resources theory we explore how close personal ties between middle managers who participated in leadership development, constitutes an im...

Career transitions to paid employment: At what point does training placement provision move between up-skilling to exploitation?

Presentation / Conference
O'Neil, J., & Ivancheva, M. (2024, April)
Career transitions to paid employment: At what point does training placement provision move between up-skilling to exploitation?. Paper presented at 42nd International Labour Process Conference 2024 (ILPC 2024), Göttingen
Precarious work that becomes a ‘stepping stone’ to decent work (McGuiness and Wooden 2009, Nunley et al 2017; Munoz-Comet and Steinmetz 2020) is the bargain struck for many le...


