Development of an Integrated Curriculum for Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Social Work Students in Scotland
Presentation / Conference
Hislop, J., MacDonald, D., Yates, P., James, K., McLelland, C., Hillen, P., …McKay, E. (2019, May)
Development of an Integrated Curriculum for Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Social Work Students in Scotland. Poster presented at World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Geneva, Switzerland
Background: The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act (2014) came into effect in April 2016 bringing in integration of adult health and social care services in Scotland...
Developing an outcome evaluation framework for play@home.
Fisher, A., Hislop, J., & Mercer, T. (2008)
Developing an outcome evaluation framework for play@home. Scottish Government
Background: This report explores the feasibility of and rationale for the design of an Outcome Evaluation Framework aimed at assessing the impact of the play@home scheme on th...