73 results

Long term predictors of outcome in patients with chronic low back pain attending rehabilitation

Presentation / Conference
Frost, H., Barker, K., Yu, L. M., & Fairbank, J. (2005, May)
Long term predictors of outcome in patients with chronic low back pain attending rehabilitation. Paper presented at ISSLS 32nd annual meeting, New York
No abstract available

A critical appraisal and defence of the Oxfordshire low back pain trial

Journal Article
Frost, H., & Lamb, S. E. (2005)
A critical appraisal and defence of the Oxfordshire low back pain trial. Physiotherapy, 91(1), 1-2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physio.2005.01.001
No abstract available.

Physical therapy adds little to back pain treatment

Journal Article
Frost, H., Lamb, S., Doll, H., Carver, P., & Stewart-Brown, S. (2005)
Physical therapy adds little to back pain treatment. Journal of family practice, 54(1), 19
No abstract available.

Responsiveness of the shuttle walking test compared with disease specific and generic outcome measures in patients with chronic back pain

Journal Article
Rivero-Arias, O., Campbell, H., Gray, A., Johnston, K., Fairbank, J., & Frost, H. (2004)
Responsiveness of the shuttle walking test compared with disease specific and generic outcome measures in patients with chronic back pain. Value in Health, 7(6), 727. https://doi.org/10.1016/s1098-3015%2810%2965920-7
Spine Stabilisation Trial S. Publication is an abstract only.

Randomised controlled trial of physiotherapy compared with advice for low back pain

Journal Article
Frost, H., Lamb, S. E., Doll, H. A., Carver, P. T., & Stewart-Brown, S. (2004)
Randomised controlled trial of physiotherapy compared with advice for low back pain. BMJ, 329(7468), 708. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.38216.868808.7c
Objective To measure the effectiveness of routine physiotherapy compared with an assessment session and advice from a physiotherapist for patients with low back pain. Design ...

Multi-centre randomised controlled trial of physiotherapy treatment Vs advice only for patients with low back pain

Presentation / Conference
Stewart-Brown, S., Frost, H., & Lamb, S. (2004, June)
Multi-centre randomised controlled trial of physiotherapy treatment Vs advice only for patients with low back pain. Poster presented at Faculty of Public Health Conference, Edinburgh
No abstract available.

Multi-centre randomised controlled trial of physiotherapy treatment Vs advice only for patients with low back pain.

Presentation / Conference
Frost, H., Stewart-Brown, S., & Lamb, S. (2004, April)
Multi-centre randomised controlled trial of physiotherapy treatment Vs advice only for patients with low back pain. Paper presented at Britspine conference, Nottingham
No abstract available.

Recovery of mobility after knee arthroplasty

Journal Article
Lamb, S. E., & Frost, H. (2003)
Recovery of mobility after knee arthroplasty. Journal of Arthroplasty, 18(5), 575-582. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0883-5403%2803%2900110-4
Mobility was measured in 79 people 6 months after knee arthroplasty using timed tests of stair climbing and walking speed. Recovery rates were calculated in comparison with a ...

Nonoperative management of simple back pain (type 1)

Book Chapter
Moffett, J. K., & Frost, H. (2002)
Nonoperative management of simple back pain (type 1). In C. Blustrode, J. Buckwalter, A. Carr, L. Marsh, J. Fairbank, J. Wilson-Macdonald, & G. Bowden (Eds.), Oxford textbook of orthopedics and trauma (512-514). Oxford: Oxford University Press
No abstract available.

Functional restoration programs for chronic low back pain (types 2 and 5)

Book Chapter
Frost, H., & Shackleton, C. (2002)
Functional restoration programs for chronic low back pain (types 2 and 5). In C. Bulstrode, J. Buckwalter, A. Carr, L. Marsh, J. Fairbank, J. Wilson-MacDonald, & G. Bowden (Eds.), Oxford textbook of orthopedics and trauma (520-521). Oxford: Oxford University Press
No abstract available.


