4 results

Literature Review on Antimicrobial Resistance In Relation To The Environment In Scotland

Wojcik, G., Anderson, L., Johnston, L., Moffat, S., & Morrison, D. (2024)
Literature Review on Antimicrobial Resistance In Relation To The Environment In Scotland. Environmental Standards Scotland
Commissioned literature review on the key causes, impacts and controls for anti-microbial resistance (AMR) in the environment that are relevant to Scotland. The review summari...

Development of a theory- and evidence-informed behaviour change intervention to promote appropriate antibiotic use in acute hospitals

Wojcik, G. Development of a theory- and evidence-informed behaviour change intervention to promote appropriate antibiotic use in acute hospitals. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/2968166
Background: Antimicrobial resistance poses a serious threat to global public health. Behaviours such as inappropriate antibiotic use in hospitals have contributed to this prob...

Understanding the complexities of antibiotic prescribing behaviour in acute hospitals: a systematic review and meta-ethnography

Journal Article
Wojcik, G., Ring, N., McCulloch, C., Willis, D. S., Williams, B., & Kydonaki, K. (2021)
Understanding the complexities of antibiotic prescribing behaviour in acute hospitals: a systematic review and meta-ethnography. Archives of Public Health, 79(1), https://doi.org/10.1186/s13690-021-00624-1
Background: Antimicrobial resistance poses a serious global public health threat. Hospital misuse of antibiotics has contributed to this problem and evidence-based interventio...

Good practice in shared decision-making and consent

Wojcik, G. (2018)
Good practice in shared decision-making and consent. Edinburgh: The Scottish Government
The Scottish Government’s Health and Social Care Delivery Plan contains a commitment to reviewing the consent process for patients in Scotland with the General Medical Council...



