49 results

Discursive representations of restorative justice in international policies

Presentation / Conference
Pali, B., & Maglione, G. (2020, September)
Discursive representations of restorative justice in international policies. Paper presented at EUROCRIM 2020: 20th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Online
Pali, B., & Maglione, G. (2020, September). Discursive representations of restorative justice in international policies. Paper presented at EUROCRIM 2020: 20th Annual Conferen...

Restorative Justice Policy in Context: A Legal-Archaeological Analysis

Journal Article
Maglione, G. (2022)
Restorative Justice Policy in Context: A Legal-Archaeological Analysis. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 35, 493-517. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11196-020-09747-0
This paper provides an original, in-depth analysis of English and Welsh criminal and penal policy on restorative justice. By using a historically-discursive approach—legal arc...

Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, Judge and Punish: The Penal State on Trial

Journal Article
Maglione, G. (2021)
Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, Judge and Punish: The Penal State on Trial. Punishment and Society, 23(2), 286-289. https://doi.org/10.1177/1462474520939058
Abstract not available.

In the Leviathan’s hands? Rethinking the institutionalisation of restorative justice

Maglione, G. (2020)
In the Leviathan’s hands? Rethinking the institutionalisation of restorative justice
Maglione, G. (2020). In the Leviathan’s hands? Rethinking the institutionalisation of restorative justice. https://socialandlegalstudies.wordpress.com/2020/02/19/in-the-leviat...

Restorative Justice in Scotland

Presentation / Conference
Maglione, G., Buchan, J., & Robertson, L. (2020, February)
Restorative Justice in Scotland
2020: Community Justice Scotland Academic Advisory Group, invited speaker on ‘Restorative Justice in Scotland’, Edinburgh, UK (with J. Buchan and L. Robertson).

The local provision of restorative justice in Scotland: an exploratory empirical study

Presentation / Conference
Maglione, G., Buchan, J., & Robertson, L. (2019, December)
The local provision of restorative justice in Scotland: an exploratory empirical study. Paper presented at Scotland Restorative Justice Forum - Research Network Seminar, Edinburgh
Maglione, G., Buchan, J., & Robertson, L. (2019, December). The local provision of restorative justice in Scotland: an exploratory empirical study. Paper presented at Scotland...

Film review: The House That Jack Built

Journal Article
Maglione, G. (2021)
Film review: The House That Jack Built. Crime, Media, Culture, 17(1), 153-156. https://doi.org/10.1177/1741659019889300
Abstract not available.

The Local Provision of Restorative Justice: an exploratory empirical study

Presentation / Conference
Maglione, G., Jamie, B., & Robertson, L. (2019, November)
The Local Provision of Restorative Justice: an exploratory empirical study. Paper presented at First Annual Restorative Justice Council Conference, Nottingham
Maglione, G., Jamie, B., & Robertson, L. (2019, November). The Local Provision of Restorative Justice: an exploratory empirical study. Paper presented at First Annual Restorat...

The Electronic Monitoring of Offenders in Context: From Policy to Political Logics

Journal Article
Laurie, E., & Maglione, G. (2020)
The Electronic Monitoring of Offenders in Context: From Policy to Political Logics. Critical Criminology, 28, 685-702. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10612-019-09471-7
The electronic monitoring (EM) of offenders is a subject that has been researched widely within criminology. Theoretical engagement with this instrument has been limited, howe...

The local provision of restorative justice in Scotland: an exploratory empirical study

Presentation / Conference
Buchan, J., Maglione, G., & Robertson, L. (2019, September)
The local provision of restorative justice in Scotland: an exploratory empirical study. Paper presented at 19th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology: ConverGENT, Ghent, Belgium
Buchan, J., Maglione, G., & Robertson, L. (2019, September). The local provision of restorative justice in Scotland: an exploratory empirical study. Paper presented at 19th An...