15 results

“Be the change” — how Cheltenham Science Festival used a central theme to centre social change within the festival

Journal Article
Kerr, G., Whittle, E., & Navin, M. (2022)
“Be the change” — how Cheltenham Science Festival used a central theme to centre social change within the festival. Journal of Science Communication, 21(06), Article R07
‘Be the change’ (BTC) was the theme for Cheltenham Science Festival. BTC set out to empower audiences as individuals and as a collective to enact positive change across a wide...

Sustainability Toolkit for Festival Managers

Barnes, C., Moore, T., Kerr, G., & Ali-Knight, J. (2022)
Sustainability Toolkit for Festival Managers
This toolkit emerged as part of the Cultura Circular (Circular Culture) programme, a British Council initiative in Mexico focused on promoting a culture of sustainability in t...

Levelling the playing field: lessons from sport on re-framing science engagement as a benefit to the individual

Journal Article
Keith, L., & Kerr, G. (2022)
Levelling the playing field: lessons from sport on re-framing science engagement as a benefit to the individual. Journal of Science Communication, 21(4), Article A03. https://doi.org/10.22323/2.21040203
The workforces of the Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) industries suffer from skills gaps and lack diversity. Science engagement activities e.g. science f...

Covid & Innovation within Edinburgh's Festivals: Post-Covid-19 Recovery, Innovation & Technology

Stewart, H., Ali-Knight, J., Kerr, G., & Holmes, K. (2022)
Covid & Innovation within Edinburgh's Festivals: Post-Covid-19 Recovery, Innovation & Technology. Edinburgh Napier University
The COVID-19 pandemic created a global hiatus for events and festivals. The requirement for whole countries to stay at home and avoid contact with other people led to numerous...

Unlock & Revive: The ingredients needed to deliver accessible online cultural and heritage events that bring positive benefits to people living with dementia

Stewart, H., Smith, S., Baxter, R., Ali-Knight, J., & Kerr, G. (2022)
Unlock & Revive: The ingredients needed to deliver accessible online cultural and heritage events that bring positive benefits to people living with dementia. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Napier University
Unlock & Revive is a multi-disciplinary action-research project that involves multiple partners. It is a highly collaborative project aimed at supporting the wellbeing of peop...

The ‘Senses Framework’: A relationship-centred approach to co-producing dementia events in order to allow people to live well after a dementia diagnosis

Journal Article
Stewart, H., Ali-Knight, J., Stephen, S., & Kerr, G. (2022)
The ‘Senses Framework’: A relationship-centred approach to co-producing dementia events in order to allow people to live well after a dementia diagnosis. Event Management, 26(1), 157-175. https://doi.org/10.3727/152599521X16192004803683
Dementia is a progressive disorder that affects how the brain works, and in particular the ability to remember, think and reason. It affects speech, mood, mobility, behavior a...

Dog filters & flower crowns: Using Snapchat as a Pedagogical Tool in Higher Education

Journal Article
Kerr, G., & Faulkner, S. (2020)
Dog filters & flower crowns: Using Snapchat as a Pedagogical Tool in Higher Education. Journal of Social Media for Learning, 1(1), 147-157. https://doi.org/10.24377/LJMU.jsml.vol1article393
Academics overwhelmingly value social media as a tool for enhancing student learning (Moran et al, 2011). Generally, academics use information technologies and social media to...

Digital Skills Development : Effective digital profiles for researchers

Kerr, G., Worsley, H., & Whitnall, D. (2018)
Digital Skills Development : Effective digital profiles for researchers
We are living in a digital era where the majority of people spend a vast amount of time on social media. So as academics it is important that we access this digital world and ...

Science festivals: knowledge making an exhibition of itself.

Kerr, G. (2017)
Science festivals: knowledge making an exhibition of itself
No abstract available.

PP2ACdc55’s role in reductional chromosome segregation during achiasmate meiosis in budding yeast is independent of its FEAR function

Journal Article
Kerr, G. W., Wong, J. H., & Arumugam, P. (2016)
PP2ACdc55’s role in reductional chromosome segregation during achiasmate meiosis in budding yeast is independent of its FEAR function. Scientific Reports, 6(1), https://doi.org/10.1038/srep30397
PP2ACdc55 is a highly conserved serine-threonine protein phosphatase that is involved in diverse cellular processes. In budding yeast, meiotic cells lacking PP2ACdc55 activity...



