4 results

Understanding the drivers of carbon sequestration in Scottish seagrass

Whitlock, D. S. Understanding the drivers of carbon sequestration in Scottish seagrass. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/2967545
Seagrass meadows are found in coastal environments worldwide and over the last decade they have been celebrated as powerful natural carbon sinks. Whilst the global importance ...

The sediment carbon stocks of intertidal seagrass meadows in Scotland

Journal Article
Potouroglou, M., Whitlock, D., Milatovic, L., MacKinnon, G., Kennedy, H., Diele, K., & Huxham, M. (2021)
The sediment carbon stocks of intertidal seagrass meadows in Scotland. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 258, Article 107442. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107442
Seagrasses are highly productive ecosystems and hotspots for biodiversity, providing a plethora of benefits to the environment and to people. Their value in sequestering and s...

Carbon in the coastal seascape: how interactions between mangrove forests, seagrass meadows and tidal marshes influence carbon storage

Journal Article
Huxham, M., Whitlock, D., Githaiga, M., & Dencer-Brown, A. (2018)
Carbon in the coastal seascape: how interactions between mangrove forests, seagrass meadows and tidal marshes influence carbon storage. Current Forestry Reports, 4(2), 101-110. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40725-018-0077-4
Purpose of review: We use the ‘seascape’ concept to explore how interactions between mangrove forests, tidal marshes and seagrass influences the storage of carbon in these eco...

The influence of coal mine spoil physical properties on the spatial distribution of lichen-rich communities

Conference Proceeding
Whitlock, D., Rickson, J., Humphries, N., Thompson, R. & Tibbett, M. (2015)
The influence of coal mine spoil physical properties on the spatial distribution of lichen-rich communities. In Mine Closure 2015: Proceedings of the tenth internation conference on mine closure, 1047. ISBN 9780991790593
Coal mine spoil tips have been recognised as a UK Biodiversity Action Plan habitat owing to the presence of a host of unique flora and fauna assemblages and, in particular, " ...


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