3 results

Cultural reflections on the Scottish HPV vaccination programme

Journal Article
Carnegie, E., Whittaker, A., Gray Brunton, C., Hanif, N., Harding, S., Hilton, S., …Pow, J. (2016)
Cultural reflections on the Scottish HPV vaccination programme. European Journal of Public Health, 26(1 supp 1), https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckw169.049
Background The Scottish HPV vaccination programme serves young women aged 11 to 18 years and reports consistently high uptake rates, yet these figures may conceal levels of un...

Hepatitis C in a new therapeutic era: Recontextualising the lived experience

Journal Article
Whiteley, D., Whittaker, A., Elliott, L., & Cunningham-Burley, S. (2017)
Hepatitis C in a new therapeutic era: Recontextualising the lived experience. Journal of Clinical Nursing, https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.14083
Aims and Objectives To explore the experience of adults living with hepatitis C in a new era of interferon-free treatment. Background Hepatitis C is a leading cause of morbidi...

Development of a cross-cultural HPV community engagement model within Scotland

Journal Article
Carnegie, E., Whittaker, A., Gray Brunton, C., Hogg, R., Kennedy, C., Hilton, S., …Pow, J. (2017)
Development of a cross-cultural HPV community engagement model within Scotland. Health Education Journal, 76(4), 398-410. https://doi.org/10.1177/0017896916685592
Objective To examine cultural barriers and participant solutions regarding acceptance and uptake of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine from the perspective of Black Afric...



