19 results

Symbolic, Experiential and Functional Consumptions of Heritage Tourism Destinations: The Case of Angkor World Heritage Site, Cambodia: Heritage Destination Consumption

Journal Article
Chen, C., Phou, S., & Leask, A. (2016)
Symbolic, Experiential and Functional Consumptions of Heritage Tourism Destinations: The Case of Angkor World Heritage Site, Cambodia: Heritage Destination Consumption. International Journal of Tourism Research, 18(6), 602-611. doi:10.1002/jtr.2077
This study empirically investigates the effects of three destination consumptions (namely symbolic, experiential and functional) on tourists’ destination attachment and satisf...

Towards a visitor taxonomy at (film-induced) heritage attractions

Journal Article
Bąkiewicz, J., Leask, A., Barron, P., & Rakić, T. (2022)
Towards a visitor taxonomy at (film-induced) heritage attractions. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 17(3), 247-263. https://doi.org/10.1080/1743873X.2021.2002340
Film-induced tourism at heritage attractions (HAs) is a growing industry of international relevance. It can influence visitors’ expectations of the site and further their pref...

Hamlet Live: the 7 I’s Experiential Strategy Framework for heritage visitor attractions

Journal Article
Lund, N. F., Holst-Beck, P., Pine II, B. J., & Leask, A. (2022)
Hamlet Live: the 7 I’s Experiential Strategy Framework for heritage visitor attractions. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 17(2), 125-141. https://doi.org/10.1080/1743873x.2021.1951277
In an increasingly competitive market for tourist destinations, visitor attractions play a key role in enticing visitors to the destination, and as such must continually devel...

Management Challenges at Film-Induced Tourism Heritage Attractions

Journal Article
Bąkiewicz, J., Leask, A., Barron, P., & Rakić, T. (2017)
Management Challenges at Film-Induced Tourism Heritage Attractions. Tourism Planning and Development, 14(4), 548-566. https://doi.org/10.1080/21568316.2017.1303540
In response to an increasingly competitive environment, a number of heritage visitor attractions (HVAs) have encouraged filming, as well as subsequent film-induced tourism, in...

Visitor engagement at museums: Generation Y and ‘Lates’ events at the National Museum of Scotland

Journal Article
Barron, P., & Leask, A. (2017)
Visitor engagement at museums: Generation Y and ‘Lates’ events at the National Museum of Scotland. Museum Management and Curatorship, 32(5), 473-490. https://doi.org/10.1080/09647775.2017.1367259
Museums are institutions that collect, safeguard and present artefacts and memories for the non-profit purposes of learning and enjoyment. However, significant changes in the ...

The effect of exporting hospitality and tourism degrees overseas on the home campus: a conceptual model.

Journal Article
Lagiewski, R. M., Barron, P., & Leask, A. (2019)
The effect of exporting hospitality and tourism degrees overseas on the home campus: a conceptual model. Journal of hospitality, leisure, sport & tourism education, 24, 211-222. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhlste.2019.03.005
Hospitality and tourism programmes have, over the recent decades, been involved in the delivery of their degrees in international locations through a variety of export models....

Engaging local residents as stakeholders in World Heritage Sites

Presentation / Conference
Leask, A. (2022, March)
Engaging local residents as stakeholders in World Heritage Sites. Paper presented at New Lanark: A living legacy Anniversary Conference, New Lanark, UK
This paper explores how local residents engage in the management of World Heritage Sites, with specific examples from New Lanark and Edinburgh Old and New Towns World Heritag...

Destination Competitiveness: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong, Macau, and Singapore

Journal Article
Todd, L., Leask, A., & Fyall, A. (2015)
Destination Competitiveness: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong, Macau, and Singapore. Tourism Analysis, 20(6), 593-605. https://doi.org/10.3727/108354215x14464845877832
This paper presents a comparative study of the destination competitiveness of Hong Kong, Singapore and Macau and those strategies developed to enhance their future position in...

Engaging the multi-generational workforce in tourism and hospitality

Journal Article
Barron, P., Leask, A., & Fyall, A. (2014)
Engaging the multi-generational workforce in tourism and hospitality. Tourism Review, 69(4), 245-263. https://doi.org/10.1108/TR-04-2014-0017
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to present strategies that hospitality and tourism organisations might adopt as a means of encouraging employee engagement, thus enablin...

Understanding primary stakeholders' multiple roles in hallmark event tourism management

Journal Article
Todd, L., Leask, A., & Ensor, J. (2017)
Understanding primary stakeholders' multiple roles in hallmark event tourism management. Tourism Management, 59, 494-509. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2016.09.010
This paper contributes insights into stakeholder theory in hallmark event tourism and the implications for engaging primary stakeholders in further tourism management settings...



