12 results

The relationship between creativity and attention in adults

Journal Article
Carruthers, L., MacLean, R., & Willis, A. (2018)
The relationship between creativity and attention in adults. Creativity Research Journal, 30(4), 370-379
Creativity is a valuable attribute that involves the generation of original ideas; attention is a vital function that facilitates information selection. There is some evidence...

Visualising Energy Use for Smart Homes and Informed Users

Journal Article
Stinson, J., Willis, A., Williamson, J. B., Currie, J., & Smith, R. (2015)
Visualising Energy Use for Smart Homes and Informed Users. Energy Procedia, 78, 579-584. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2015.11.015
We evaluate the changes to domestic electricity and gas consumption when the occupants have local access to a coloured real time in-home display (IHD). We report the prelimina...

Effects of installing a marked crosswalk on road crossing behaviour and perceptions of the environment.

Journal Article
Havard, C., & Willis, A. (2012)
Effects of installing a marked crosswalk on road crossing behaviour and perceptions of the environment. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 15, 249-260. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trf.2011.12.007
A two-pronged study was conducted to investigate (a) pedestrians’ road-crossing behaviour and (b) perceptions of the walking environment, both before and after the installatio...

Walking, talking and looking: effects of divided attention on gaze behaviour and visual search performance in a real-world environment

Journal Article
Wincenciak, J., Egan, C. D., & Willis, A. (2010)
Walking, talking and looking: effects of divided attention on gaze behaviour and visual search performance in a real-world environment. Perception, 39, 35
Visually-guided behaviour in the laboratory may not always reflect that in larger-scale environments, using more realistic tasks. (eg Smith et al, 2008 Cogn Process 9 121-126)...

The effects of a distractor on the visual gaze behaviour of children at signalized road crossings

Journal Article
Egan, C. D., Willis, A., & Wincenciak, J. (2009)
The effects of a distractor on the visual gaze behaviour of children at signalized road crossings. Journal of Vision, 9(8), https://doi.org/10.1167/9.8.371
Children are over-represented in pedestrian injuries. This may be explained, at least in part, by poorer attentional mechanisms at the roadside compared with skilled adults. W...

Visual search for targets on natural textured backgrounds.

Journal Article
Green, P. R., Willis, A. & Egan, C. D. (2008)
Visual search for targets on natural textured backgrounds. Perception. 38, 41. ISSN 0301-0066
Little is known about visual search for targets on natural, textured backgrounds, or about the capacity of biological camouflage patterns to provide protection across a range ...

Human movement behaviour in urban spaces: Implications for the design and modelling of effective pedestrian environments.

Journal Article
Willis, A., Gjersoe, N., Havard, C., Kerridge, J. & Kukla, R. (2004)
Human movement behaviour in urban spaces: Implications for the design and modelling of effective pedestrian environments. Environment and planning. B, Planning & design. 31, 805-828. doi:10.1068/b3060. ISSN 1472-3417
Despite a burgeoning research effort directed at the design and modelling of effective urban spaces for pedestrians, remarkably little is known about how pedestrians actually ...

Colour and luminance interactions in the visual perception of motion.

Journal Article
Willis, A., & Anderson, S. J. (2002)
Colour and luminance interactions in the visual perception of motion. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 269, 1011-1016. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2002.1985
We sought to determine the extent to which red-green, colour-opponent mechanisms in the human visual system play a role in the perception of drifting luminance-modulated targe...

A binocular site for contrast-modulated masking.

Journal Article
Harris, J. M. & Willis, A. (2001)
A binocular site for contrast-modulated masking. Vision research an international journal in visual science. 41, 873-881. doi:10.1016/S0042-6989(00)00292-3. ISSN 1878-5646
Contrast-modulated (CM) gratings, composed of two luminance-modulated sinusoids of similar spatial frequency, mask the detection of test sinusoids at the difference frequency....

PEDFLOW: development of an autonomous agent model of pedestrian flow.

Journal Article
Kukla, R., Kerridge, J., Willis, A. & Hine, J. (2001)
PEDFLOW: development of an autonomous agent model of pedestrian flow. Transportation research record. 1774, 11-17. doi:10.3141/1774-02. ISSN 0361-1981
The paper discusses the need for an autonomous agent approach for the modeling of pedestrians in urban environments and places PEDFLOW in the context of existing models. PEDFL...



