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42 results

The 21st century public library in England and Scotland: epistemic, community and political roles in the public sphere

Appleton, L. The 21st century public library in England and Scotland: epistemic, community and political roles in the public sphere. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
This work is concerned with the role of the public library in England and Scotland in the twenty-first century. The findings derive from the analysis of empirical data collect...

A Mixed Approach for Aggressive Political Discourse Analysis on Twitter

Journal Article
Torregrosa, J., D’Antonio-Maceiras, S., Villar-Rodríguez, G., Hussain, A., Cambria, E., & Camacho, D. (in press)
A Mixed Approach for Aggressive Political Discourse Analysis on Twitter. Cognitive Computation,
Political tensions have grown throughout Europe since the beginning of the new century. The consecutive crises led to the rise of different social movements in several countri...

Signing an e-petition as a transition from lurking to participation.

Cruickshank, P., Edelmann, N., & Smith, C. F. (2009)
Signing an e-petition as a transition from lurking to participation. In J. Chappellet, O. Glassey, M. Janssen, A. Macintosh, J. Scholl, E. Tambouris, & M. Wimmer (Eds.), Electronic Government and Electronic Participation, 275-282. Trauner
As one form of online political participation, the e-petitioning is seen as a response to a perceived decline in public trust of political institutions and the associated sym...

Two Communities, One Topic: Exploring the British Reddit community split based on perceived biases

Conference Proceeding
Clavie, B., & Moradpoor, N. (in press)
Two Communities, One Topic: Exploring the British Reddit community split based on perceived biases. In Proceedings of posters presented at 10th ACM Conference on Web Science
This article explores a perceived bias between two British reddit communities dedicated to discussing British politics.We analyse the popular sources favoured by each communit...

Introducing Psychological Factors into E-Participation Research

Edelmann, N., & Cruickshank, P. (2011)
Introducing Psychological Factors into E-Participation Research. In A. Manoharan, & M. Holzer (Eds.), E-Governance and Civic Engagement, 338-361. IGI Global Publishing. doi:10.4018/978-1-61350-083-5.ch017
This chapter looks at e-petitioning as a successful application of e-participation from a psychological perspective. It notes that e-participation should not be viewed uncriti...

HUWY D7.4 Results

Kimpeler, S., Lehner, C., Lindner, R., Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, P. & Taylor-Smith, E. (2010)
HUWY D7.4 Results. Edinburgh: European Community
HUWY (Hub Websites for Youth Participation) was an eParticipation Preparatory Action project, which piloted a distributed (networked) discussion. The pilot ran in Estonia, Ger...

Review of 'Innovations in Participatory Politics' by B. Loader and D. Mercea, eds.

Journal Article
Taylor-Smith, E. (2013)
Review of 'Innovations in Participatory Politics' by B. Loader and D. Mercea, eds. Information Polity, 18, 93-96.
Brian Loader and Dan Mercea rally a group of political/social/media scientists to shed light on social media and democracy. Is social media supporting transformations of democ...

Composition of Games as a Model for the Evolution of Social Institutions

Conference Proceeding
Andras, P. (2020)
Composition of Games as a Model for the Evolution of Social Institutions. In Artificial Life Conference Proceedings (171-179).
The evolution of social institutions (e.g. institutions of political decision making or joint resource administration) is an important question in the context of understanding...

Analysis: Building the Future of EU: Moving Forward with International Collaboration on Blockchain

Journal Article
Buchanan, B., & Naqvi, N. (2018)
Analysis: Building the Future of EU: Moving Forward with International Collaboration on Blockchain. The Journal of the British Blockchain Association, 1(1), 1-4
A blockchain enabled 'Digital Single Economy " can act as a catalyst for growth and could provide a platform where borderless innovative practices will thrive and create a tru...

US hack shows data is the new frontier in cyber security conflict.

Buchanan, W. J. (2015)
US hack shows data is the new frontier in cyber security conflict
More than four million personal records of US government workers are thought to have been hacked and stolen, it has been. With US investigators blaming the Chinese government ...



