5 results

Performance on a tablet-based visual-spatial-motor task is compromised in adults and children with dyslexia: implications for the development of a novel screening tool

Presentation / Conference
Willis, A., Piotrowska, B., Bannach-Brown, A., MacLean, R. D. J., & Kerridge, J. (2014, March)
Performance on a tablet-based visual-spatial-motor task is compromised in adults and children with dyslexia: implications for the development of a novel screening tool
Many adults and children with dyslexia also have problems with lower-level sensory, attentional, or motor tasks. In particular, there may be problems with auditory processing1...

A comparison of video and infrared based tracking of pedestrian movements.

Conference Proceeding
Kerridge, J., Kukla, R., Willis, A., Armitage, A., Binnie, D., & Lei, L. (2005)
A comparison of video and infrared based tracking of pedestrian movements. In S. P. Hoogendoom, S. Luding, P. H. L. Bovy, M. Schreckenberg, & D. E. Wolf (Eds.), Traffic and granular flow 03, 383-392. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-28091-X_37
We provide a comparison of the relative merits of video and infrared based methods for collecting pedestrian movements from the real world and also from experimental environme...

Human movement behaviour in urban spaces: Implications for the design and modelling of effective pedestrian environments.

Journal Article
Willis, A., Gjersoe, N., Havard, C., Kerridge, J. & Kukla, R. (2004)
Human movement behaviour in urban spaces: Implications for the design and modelling of effective pedestrian environments. Environment and planning. B, Planning & design. 31, 805-828. doi:10.1068/b3060. ISSN 1472-3417
Despite a burgeoning research effort directed at the design and modelling of effective urban spaces for pedestrians, remarkably little is known about how pedestrians actually ...

PEDFLOW: development of an autonomous agent model of pedestrian flow.

Journal Article
Kukla, R., Kerridge, J., Willis, A. & Hine, J. (2001)
PEDFLOW: development of an autonomous agent model of pedestrian flow. Transportation research record. 1774, 11-17. doi:10.3141/1774-02. ISSN 0361-1981
The paper discusses the need for an autonomous agent approach for the modeling of pedestrians in urban environments and places PEDFLOW in the context of existing models. PEDFL...

Developing the behavioural rules for an agent-based model of pedestrian movement.

Presentation / Conference
Willis, A., Kukla, R., & Kerridge, J. (2000, September)
Developing the behavioural rules for an agent-based model of pedestrian movement. Paper presented at 25th European Transport Congress, Cambridge, UK
The PEDFLOW project aims to develop a realistic and flexible planning tool capable of simulating the effects of microscopic environmental layout on various aspects of pedestri...