4 results

Do not do what the Romans do: determinants of international entrepreneurship of UK companies.

Journal Article
Omar, M., Nwankwo, S. & Richards, D. (2005)
Do not do what the Romans do: determinants of international entrepreneurship of UK companies. WORLD SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OUTLOOK. 1, 371-380
There is substantial research to indicate that a positive correlation exists between firm-specific characteristics of Multinational Corporations (MNC's) and their internationa...

Corporate Environmental Disclosure in Libya: Evidence and Environmental Determinism Theory.

Ahmad, N. S. M. Corporate Environmental Disclosure in Libya: Evidence and Environmental Determinism Theory. (Thesis)
Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/2784
There is no doubt that in recent years Corporate Environmental Disclosure (CED) by corporations has received much attention among accounting academic researchers. However, rev...

An insurance policy: a case study of legal and economic interactions in a transforming economy

Journal Article
Jaworski, P., & Wierzbicki, J. (2004)
An insurance policy: a case study of legal and economic interactions in a transforming economy. Post-Communist Economies, 16(1), 99-109. doi:10.1080/1463137042000194870
The article is devoted to the specific case study of individual insurance policy issued during the time of centrally planned economy but matured after the beginning of the eco...

A Study of Shanghai and Hong Kong as International financial centres - a review of their developments and attributable factors

Wong, Y. C. A. A Study of Shanghai and Hong Kong as International financial centres - a review of their developments and attributable factors. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/id/eprint/5688
The development of an international financial centre has long been an interesting topic to economists, researchers and policy makers. Understanding the development process an...