14 results

Guest editorial

Journal Article
Platt, L., & Ali-Knight, J. (2018)
Guest editorial. Journal of Place Management and Development, 11(3), 262-265. https://doi.org/10.1108/jpmd-08-2018-131
Authors are guest editors of special issue of Journal to Place Management and Development.

How leaders can use negative feedback to their advantage.

Journal Article
Papasava, A. (2017)
How leaders can use negative feedback to their advantage. International Journal of Business & Management, 5(8),
This short article explores how leaders can use negative feedback to their advantage by identifying their weaknesses and turning them into strengths. In order to enable their ...

Knowledge sharing in small family firms: a leadership perspective.

Journal Article
Cunningham, J., Seaman, C., & McGuire, D. (2016)
Knowledge sharing in small family firms: a leadership perspective. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 7(1), 34-46. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfbs.2015.10.002
Knowledge sharing is considered critical in the development of a knowledge resource to contribute to the strategic development of the firm. However, how this key organisationa...

Leadership and visionary futures: future proofing festivals.

Book Chapter
Robertson, M., & Brown, S. (2014)
Leadership and visionary futures: future proofing festivals. In I. Yeoman, M. Robertson, U. McMahon-Beattie, E. Backer, & K. Smith (Eds.), The Future of Events & Festivals. , (219-235). Oxon, UK: Taylor & Francis
Introduction David Bowie’s 1974 album Diamond Dogs offered a dystopian vision of the world in which ‘. . . fleas the size of rats sucked on rats the size of cats and ten thous...