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6 results

The application of the results of interconnectedness typology in a triadic relationship.

Conference Proceeding
Tjandra, N. C., Ensor, J., Omar, M., & Thomson, J. R. (2014)
The application of the results of interconnectedness typology in a triadic relationship. In Agents of Change: ANZMAC 2014 Proceedings, (1072
This paper aims to explore the results of interconnectedness in a triadic relationship between a long-term savings and investments provider, Independent Financial Advisers (IF...

The impact of interconnectedness in a triadic relationship between a financial services provider, IFAs, and customers.

Conference Proceeding
Tjandra, N. C., Ensor, J., Omar, M., & Thomson, J. R. (2014)
The impact of interconnectedness in a triadic relationship between a financial services provider, IFAs, and customers. In A. M. Docherty (Ed.), Academy of Marketing Annual Conference 2013 - Marketing Relevance Proceedings
The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of interconnectedness between a long-term savings and investments provider, Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) and custom...

Exploring the power and influence of intermediaries in an intermediated relationship: a case study from the UK financial services industry.

Conference Proceeding
Tjandra, N. C., Ensor, J., Thomson, J. R., & Omar, M. (2014)
Exploring the power and influence of intermediaries in an intermediated relationship: a case study from the UK financial services industry. In D. Arli, K. Kubacki, & S. Rundle-Thiele (Eds.), Agents of Change: Proceedings of ANZMAC 2014
This paper aims to explore the power and influence of intermediaries in an intermediated relationship between a long-term savings and investments provider, Independent Financi...

Public private partnerships in the European Union - the cases of the UK, Germany and Austria

Conference Proceeding
McQuaid, R. W., & Scherrer, W. (2008)
Public private partnerships in the European Union - the cases of the UK, Germany and Austria
Across the European Union the use of different forms of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) have been growing, but in different ways and for different reasons across Member Sta...

Regional development and EU enlargement

Conference Proceeding
McQuaid, R. W. (1999)
Regional development and EU enlargement

Relative peripherality in a Pan-European context

Conference Proceeding
McQuaid, R. W. (1996)
Relative peripherality in a Pan-European context