42 results

AALLA: Attack-Aware Logical Link Assignment Cost-Minimization Model for Protecting Software-Defined Networks against DDoS Attacks

Journal Article
Ali, S., Tan, S. C., Lee, C. K., Yusoff, Z., Haque, M. R., Mylonas, A., & Pitropakis, N. (2023)
AALLA: Attack-Aware Logical Link Assignment Cost-Minimization Model for Protecting Software-Defined Networks against DDoS Attacks. Sensors, 23(21), Article 8922. https://doi.org/10.3390/s23218922
Software-Defined Networking (SDN), which is used in Industrial Internet of Things, uses a controller as its “network brain” located at the control plane. This uniquely disting...

Start thinking in graphs: using graphs to address critical attack paths in a Microsoft cloud tenant

Journal Article
Elmiger, M., Lemoudden, M., Pitropakis, N., & Buchanan, W. J. (2024)
Start thinking in graphs: using graphs to address critical attack paths in a Microsoft cloud tenant. International Journal of Information Security, 23, 467-485. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10207-023-00751-6
The challenge of securing IT environments has reached a new complexity level as a growing number of organisations adopt cloud solutions. This trend increases the possibility o...

SRSS: A New Chaos-Based Single-Round Single S-Box Image Encryption Scheme for Highly Auto-Correlated Data

Conference Proceeding
Shahbaz Khan, M., Ahmad, J., Ali, H., Pitropakis, N., Al-Dubai, A., Ghaleb, B., & Buchanan, W. J. (in press)
SRSS: A New Chaos-Based Single-Round Single S-Box Image Encryption Scheme for Highly Auto-Correlated Data.
With the advent of digital communication, securing digital images during transmission and storage has become a critical concern. The traditional s-box substitution methods oft...

Towards The Creation Of The Future Fish Farm

Journal Article
Papadopoulos, P., Buchanan, W. J., Sayeed, S., & Pitropakis, N. (2023)
Towards The Creation Of The Future Fish Farm. Journal of Surveillance, Security and Safety, 4, 1-3. https://doi.org/10.20517/jsss.2022.16
Aim: A fish farm is an area where fish raise and bred for food. Fish farm environments support the care and management of seafood within a controlled environment. Over the pas...

Using Social Media & Sentiment Analysis to Make Investment Decisions

Journal Article
Hasselgren, B., Chrysoulas, C., Pitropakis, N., & Buchanan, W. J. (2023)
Using Social Media & Sentiment Analysis to Make Investment Decisions. Future Internet, 15(1), Article 5. https://doi.org/10.3390/fi15010005
Making investment decisions by utilizing sentiment data from social media (SM) is starting to become a more tangible concept. There has been a broad investigation into this fi...

Investigating Machine Learning Attacks on Financial Time Series Models

Journal Article
Gallagher, M., Pitropakis, N., Chrysoulas, C., Papadopoulos, P., Mylonas, A., & Katsikas, S. (2022)
Investigating Machine Learning Attacks on Financial Time Series Models. Computers and Security, 123, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2022.102933
Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) already support human decision-making and complement professional roles, and are expected in the future to be sufficiently tr...

A New Intrusion Detection System for the Internet of Things via Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Feature Engineering

Journal Article
Ullah, S., Ahmad, J., Khan, M. A., Alkhammash, E. H., Hadjouni, M., Ghadi, Y. Y., …Pitropakis, N. (2022)
A New Intrusion Detection System for the Internet of Things via Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Feature Engineering. Sensors, 22(10), Article 3607. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22103607
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a widely used technology in automated network systems across the world. The impact of the IoT on different industries has occurred in recent ye...

A New Multistage Encryption Scheme Using Linear Feedback Register and Chaos-Based Quantum Map

Journal Article
Alharbi, A. R., Ahmad, J., Arshad, Shaukat, S., Masood, F., Ghadi, Y. Y., …Buchanan, W. J. (2022)
A New Multistage Encryption Scheme Using Linear Feedback Register and Chaos-Based Quantum Map. Complexity, 2022, Article 7047282. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/7047282
With the increasing volume of data transmission through insecure communication channels, big data security has become one of the important concerns in the cybersecurity domain...

A Smart and Robust Automatic Inspection of Printed Labels Using an Image Hashing Technique

Journal Article
Khan, M. A., Ahmed, F., Khan, M. D., Ahmad, J., Kumar, H., & Pitropakis, N. (2022)
A Smart and Robust Automatic Inspection of Printed Labels Using an Image Hashing Technique. Electronics, 11(6), Article 955. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11060955
This work is focused on the development of a smart and automatic inspection system for printed labels. This is a challenging problem to solve since the collected labels are ty...

GLASS: A Citizen-Centric Distributed Data-Sharing Model within an e-Governance Architecture

Journal Article
Lo, O., Buchanan, W., Sayeed, S., Papadopoulos, P., Pitropakis, N., & Chrysoulas, C. (2022)
GLASS: A Citizen-Centric Distributed Data-Sharing Model within an e-Governance Architecture. Sensors, 22(6), Article 2291. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22062291
E-governance is a process that aims to enhance a government’s ability to simplify all the processes that may involve government, citizens, businesses, and so on. The rapid evo...



