14 results

Randomised controlled trial to compare surgical stabilisation of the lumbar spine with an intensive rehabilitation programme for patients with chronic low back pain: the MRC spine stabilisation trial

Journal Article
Fairbank, J., Frost, H., Wilson-MacDonald, J., Yu, L., Barker, K., & Collins, R. (2005)
Randomised controlled trial to compare surgical stabilisation of the lumbar spine with an intensive rehabilitation programme for patients with chronic low back pain: the MRC spine stabilisation trial. BMJ, 330(7502), 1233. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.38441.620417.8f
Objectives To assess the clinical effectiveness of surgical stabilisation (spinal fusion) compared with intensive rehabilitation for patients with chronic low back pain. Desi...

Surgical stabilisation of the spine compared with a programme of intensive rehabilitation for the management of patients with chronic low back pain: cost utility analysis based on a randomised controlled trial

Journal Article
Rivero-Arias, O., Campbell, H., Gray, A., Fairbank, J., Frost, H., & Wilson-MacDonald, J. (2005)
Surgical stabilisation of the spine compared with a programme of intensive rehabilitation for the management of patients with chronic low back pain: cost utility analysis based on a randomised controlled trial. BMJ, 330(7502), 1239. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.38441.429618.8f
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether, from a health provider and patient perspective, surgical stabilisation of the spine is cost effective when compared with an intensive programm...

Randomised controlled trial of physiotherapy compared with advice for low back pain

Journal Article
Frost, H., Lamb, S. E., Doll, H. A., Carver, P. T., & Stewart-Brown, S. (2004)
Randomised controlled trial of physiotherapy compared with advice for low back pain. BMJ, 329(7468), 708. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.38216.868808.7c
Objective To measure the effectiveness of routine physiotherapy compared with an assessment session and advice from a physiotherapist for patients with low back pain. Design ...

Randomised controlled trial for evaluation of fitness programme for patients with chronic low back pain

Journal Article
Frost, H., Moffett, J. K., Moser, J. S., & Fairbank, J. C. T. (1995)
Randomised controlled trial for evaluation of fitness programme for patients with chronic low back pain. BMJ, 310(6973), 151-154. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.310.6973.151
Objective: To evaluate a progressive fitness programme for patients with chronic low back pain. Design: Single blind randomised controlled trial. Assessments were carried out ...



