7 results

The evaluation of data filtering criteria in wind turbine power performance assessment

Davison, B. The evaluation of data filtering criteria in wind turbine power performance assessment. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/2376943
The post-installation verification of wind turbine performance is an essential part of a wind energy project. Data collected from meteorological instruments and from the turbi...

Sensing domestic energy use

Presentation / Conference
Davison, B. (2017, November)
Sensing domestic energy use. Paper presented at U!REKA 2017: Towards and Education and Research Strategy, Edinburgh
Building accurate models of domestic energy use is difficult because of a lack of reliable representative data. This paper outlines a strategy for recruiting home owners to pr...

Constructive scaffolding for accessible PBL.

Conference Proceeding
Davison, B., & McEwan, T. (2012)
Constructive scaffolding for accessible PBL. https://doi.org/10.1109/FIE.2012.6462395
We reflect on the success of embedding legal, social, ethical and professional issues (LSEPI) into computing courses while at the same time encouraging a "growth mindset" in o...

Performance and student perception evaluation of cloud-based virtualised security and digital forensics labs.

Journal Article
Buchanan, W. J., Graves, J., Bose, N., Macfarlane, R., Davison, B., & Ludwiniak, R. (2011)
Performance and student perception evaluation of cloud-based virtualised security and digital forensics labs. HEA ICS Conference,
This paper focuses on the integration of virtualised environments within the teaching of computer security and digital forensics, and includes three case studies. The first ca...

Estimation of hourly averaged solar irradiation: evaluation of models.

Journal Article
Tham, Y. W., Muneer, T., & Davison, B. (2010)
Estimation of hourly averaged solar irradiation: evaluation of models. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 31, 9-25. https://doi.org/10.1177/0143624409350547
Hourly solar radiation data are required in many building services applications. These are also reported in the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Guides A &...

Shared relationships, spaces and online information behaviours: a social exchange and capital perspective.

Presentation / Conference
Hall, H., Widen-Wulff, G., Peterson, L., & Davison, B. (2009, June)
Shared relationships, spaces and online information behaviours: a social exchange and capital perspective. Paper presented at Information: Interactions and Impact (i3
No abstract available.

Social software as support in hybrid learning environments: the value of the blog as a tool for reflective learning and peer support.

Journal Article
Hall, H., & Davison, B. (2007)
Social software as support in hybrid learning environments: the value of the blog as a tool for reflective learning and peer support. Library and Information Science Research, 29(2), 163-187. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lisr.2007.04.007
This article reports on an investigation of blog technology's potential for encouraging interaction between students, and its consequences in terms of peer learning and peer s...



