4 results

Rating the revolution: Silicon Valley in normative perspective

Journal Article
Duff, A. S. (2016)
Rating the revolution: Silicon Valley in normative perspective. Information, Communication and Society, 19(11), 1605-1621. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118x.2016.1142594
Silicon Valley, California – home of Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and so on – is widely regarded as the epicentre of the information revolution. However, it is not just a...

Cyber-Green: idealism in the information age

Journal Article
Duff, A. S. (2015)
Cyber-Green: idealism in the information age. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 13(2), 146-164. https://doi.org/10.1108/jices-10-2014-0049
Purpose This paper retrieves relevant aspects of the work of idealist thinker T.H. Green in order to improve comprehension of, and policy responses to, various dilemmas facing...

The Rawls-Tawney theorem and the digital divide in postindustrial society

Journal Article
Duff, A. (2011)
The Rawls-Tawney theorem and the digital divide in postindustrial society. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62, 604-612. https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.21470
The digital divide continues to challenge political and academic circles worldwide. A range of policy solutions is briefly evaluated, from laissez-faire on the right to “arith...

The public library as public sphere: a longitudinal analysis

Journal Article
Appleton, L., & Hall, H. (in press)
The public library as public sphere: a longitudinal analysis. Journal of Documentation, https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-02-2022-0031
The research was undertaken to explore the role of the UK public library as a public sphere, and the ways in which this role relates to the epistemic, community, and political...