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5 results

Mediamorphoses: the political economy of the print media in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland during the first decade of the post-communist era.

Gulyas, A. Mediamorphoses: the political economy of the print media in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland during the first decade of the post-communist era. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from

Publishing and the industrial dynamics of biblio-cultural identity in Catalan and Scottish literary fields

Boswell, D. K. Publishing and the industrial dynamics of biblio-cultural identity in Catalan and Scottish literary fields. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from
This thesis provides a comparative analysis of the way contemporary processes of global change have affected the development of the publishing industry in nations which can be...

Far-right media on the internet: culture, discourse and power

Journal Article
Atton, C. (2006)
Far-right media on the internet: culture, discourse and power. New Media and Society, 8(4), 573-587. doi:10.1177/1461444806065653
This study examines the discourse of the British National Party’s (BNP) website. It explores the site as a form of alternative media, focusing on how it involves members and s...

Beyond the mainstream: examining alternative sources for stock selection.

Journal Article
Atton, C. (1994)
Beyond the mainstream: examining alternative sources for stock selection. Library Review, 43(4), 57-64.
There are thousands of small publishers, small presses and individuals in Britain currently producing textbooks, monographs, novels, poetry, journals, newspapers and other, no...

Sourcing Routines and Representation in Alternative Journalism: a case study approach

Journal Article
Atton, C., & Wickenden, E. (2005)
Sourcing Routines and Representation in Alternative Journalism: a case study approach. Journalism Studies, 6(3), 347-359.
This study is a first attempt to examine how the alternative media select, represent and deploy their news sources. The literature suggests that, in contrast to mainstream sou...