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61 results

Port governance in the UK: Planning without policy

Journal Article
Monios, J. (2017)
Port governance in the UK: Planning without policy. Research in Transportation Business and Management, 22, 78-88.
The UK's highly privatised port system means that, while many of the issues in the port governance literature relevant to port concessions do not arise here, the respective ro...

Policy transfer or policy churn? Institutional isomorphism and neoliberal convergence in the transport sector

Journal Article
Monios, J. (2017)
Policy transfer or policy churn? Institutional isomorphism and neoliberal convergence in the transport sector. Environment and Planning A, 49(2), 351-371.
While the features of successful policy transfer are well known, there is some evidence that increase in policy transfer is associated with convergence of not just policies bu...

Texting and walking: a controlled field study of crossing behaviours and inattentional blindness in Taiwan.

Journal Article
Chen, P., Saleh, W., & Pai, C. (2017)
Texting and walking: a controlled field study of crossing behaviours and inattentional blindness in Taiwan. Behaviour and Information Technology, 36(4), 435-445.
The paper investigates the effects of phone use (talking, texting, and listening to music) on the street-crossing behaviours of pedestrians and their inattentional blindness i...

Investigating boundary effects of congestion charging in a single bottleneck scenario

Journal Article
Ge, Y., Stewart, K., Liu, Y., Tang, C., & Liu, B. (2015)
Investigating boundary effects of congestion charging in a single bottleneck scenario. Transport, 1-15
This paper investigates the impact of realistic congestion charging regimes where undesired boundary effects of imposing charges may occur and may be both temporal and spatial...

A model of bus bunching under reliability-based passenger arrival patterns

Journal Article
Fonzone, A., Schmöcker, J., & Liu, R. (2015)
A model of bus bunching under reliability-based passenger arrival patterns. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 59, 164-182.
If bus service departure times are not completely unknown to the passengers, non-uniform passenger arrival patterns can be expected. We propose that passengers decide their ar...

Trust development and horizontal collaboration in logistics: a theory based evolutionary framework

Journal Article
Pomponi, F., Fratocchi, L., & Rossi Tafuri, S. (2015)
Trust development and horizontal collaboration in logistics: a theory based evolutionary framework. Supply chain management, 20(1), 83-97.
Purpose The purpose of this article is to provide academicians and practitioners alike with a theory-based framework regarding horizontal collaboration in logistics. The propo...

Effects of transit real-time information usage strategies.

Journal Article
Fonzone, A., & Schmoecker, J. (2014)
Effects of transit real-time information usage strategies. Transportation research record, 2417, 121-129.
Real-time information is becoming increasingly available to transit travellers. This paper discusses the effects of RTI available before the start of a journey in terms of lin...

Considerations about the Analysis of ITS Data of Bicycle Sharing Systems.

Journal Article
Bordagaray, M., Fonzone, A., dell’Olio, L., & Ibeas, A. (2014)
Considerations about the Analysis of ITS Data of Bicycle Sharing Systems. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 162, 340-349.
Handling and managing data automatically collected by Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is a major opportunity and challenge for transport professionals nowadays. This study...

The marginalisation of bicycling in Modernist urban transport planning

Journal Article
Koglin, T., & Rye, T. (2014)
The marginalisation of bicycling in Modernist urban transport planning. Journal of transport & health, 1(4), (214-222). ISSN 2214-1405
This article deals with the scientific factors that have contributed to the dominance of motorised transport and the development of theoretical approaches in transport plannin...

Travel demand management: short review of the special issue.

Journal Article
Ge, Y., Tang, C., Prentkovskis, O., Saleh, W., Junevičius, R., & Bell, M. G. H. (2014)
Travel demand management: short review of the special issue. Transport, 29(3), 233-234.
Editorial presents a review of all eleven original papers (and one book review) published in the current special issue on Travel Demand Management (TDM). This review is develo...