31 results

Evaluation of existing car-following models and calibration parameters using real time series data.

Presentation / Conference
Appiah, J., Saleh, W., & Stewart, K. (2015, January)
Evaluation of existing car-following models and calibration parameters using real time series data. Paper presented at 47th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group, London City University

Effects of transit real-time information usage strategies.

Journal Article
Fonzone, A., & Schmoecker, J. (2014)
Effects of transit real-time information usage strategies. Transportation research record, 2417, 121-129. https://doi.org/10.3141/2417-13
Real-time information is becoming increasingly available to transit travellers. This paper discusses the effects of RTI available before the start of a journey in terms of lin...

Considerations about the Analysis of ITS Data of Bicycle Sharing Systems.

Journal Article
Bordagaray, M., Fonzone, A., dell’Olio, L., & Ibeas, A. (2014)
Considerations about the Analysis of ITS Data of Bicycle Sharing Systems. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 162, 340-349. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.12.215
Handling and managing data automatically collected by Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is a major opportunity and challenge for transport professionals nowadays. This study...

Evaluating the impact of innovative cycling measures in EU cycling cities.

Presentation / Conference
O'Dolan, C., Stewart, K., & Tricker, R. (2014, May)
Evaluating the impact of innovative cycling measures in EU cycling cities. Paper presented at 10th Annual Scottish Transport Research and Applications Conference, Glasgow
The impact of “softer” measures to improve cycling mode share are often difficult to quantify and assess. The CHAMP project is an Intelligent Energy Europe funded project whic...

Cycle lanes: their effect on driver passing distances in urban areas.

Presentation / Conference
McHale, A., & Stewart, K. (2013, January)
Cycle lanes: their effect on driver passing distances in urban areas. Paper presented at 45th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group
The current literature in the field of cycle lanes has shown often contradictory evidence as to the benefits and risks of cycle lanes and previous work has specifically shown ...

Dynamic congestion charging-Investigating boundary effects when applying low revenue tolls.

Presentation / Conference
Stewart, K., & Ge, Y. (2012, September)
Dynamic congestion charging-Investigating boundary effects when applying low revenue tolls. Paper presented at The Operations Research Society OR54 Conference, The University of Edinburgh

Investigating spatial and temporal undesired boundary effects arising from congestion charging.

Presentation / Conference
Ge, Y., & Stewart, K. (2012, June)
Investigating spatial and temporal undesired boundary effects arising from congestion charging. Paper presented at DTA 2012; 4th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment, Marthas Vinyard, USA

Frequency-based maritime container assignment model for global liner services.

Conference Proceeding
Bell, M. G. H., Angeloudis, P., Liu, X., Fonzone, A., & Hosseinloo, S. H. (2011)
Frequency-based maritime container assignment model for global liner services. In TRB 90th Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers DVD
This paper transposes the classic frequency-based transit assignment method of Spiess and Florian to containers demonstrating its promise as the basis for a global maritime co...

Motorcycle vehicle emissions - effect of driving cycle in urban and rural context

Kumar, R., & Saleh, W. (2010)
Motorcycle vehicle emissions - effect of driving cycle in urban and rural context
Climate change and global warming is challenging task ahead. This text book covers the fundamentals of estimating emission factor with special emphasis on motorcycle exhaust e...

Travel demand management and road user pricing : success, failure and feasibility

Sammer, G., & Saleh, W. (Eds.)
(2009). Travel demand management and road user pricing : success, failure and feasibility. Ashgate Publishing
Throughout the world, traffic levels are increasing and, in urban areas, these increasing levels have led to pressures on the road networks which are causing serious economic,...
6 results

Cross-lingual Audio-visual Speech Enhancement based on Deep Multimodal Learning

2023 - 2025
Speech enhancement and separation techniques are often used to improve the quality and intelligibility of speech degraded by background distractions, including speech and non-speech noises. We aim to ...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £12,000

Tabuk University Research

2012 - 2014
The project is to investigate & model travel behaviour &  investigate attitudes for HH in Saudi Arabia (SA) taking. Although there have been a large number of research investigations in the area of tr...
Funder: Tabuk University | Value: £93,000


2011 - 2013
COMPASS will investigate ICT solutions for improving passenger co-modality for long-distiance, rural and urban travel.
Funder: European Commission | Value: £440,277


2004 - 2007
EUropean RAmp Metering Project (EURAMP) EURAMP is a comprehensive, up-to-date, representative, collective European action focused on ramp metering control measures in European motorways in the aim of...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £201,796

SMART NETS: Signal management in real time for urban traffic networks

2001 - 2004
SMART NETS aims at enabling a significant improvement of the international state-of-the-art in real-time network-wide urban traffic control via application, demonstration, and comparative evaluation o...
Funder: EU Framework Programme 7 and FP6 and earlier programmes

PROGRESS: Pricing road use for greater responsibility, efficiency and sustainability in cities

2000 - 2004
The overall objective of PROGRESS is 'to demonstrate and evaluate the effectiveness and acceptance of integrated urban transport pricing schemes to achieve transport goals and raise revenue.' The obj...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £419,282