15 results

A Preliminary Investigation of the Effectiveness of High Visibility Enforcement Programs Using Naturalistic Driving Study Data: A Grouped Random Parameters Approach

Journal Article
Sonduru Pantangi, S., Fountas, G., Sarwar, M. T., Anastasopoulos, P. C., Blatt, A., Majka, K., …Mohan, S. B. (2019)
A Preliminary Investigation of the Effectiveness of High Visibility Enforcement Programs Using Naturalistic Driving Study Data: A Grouped Random Parameters Approach. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 21, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amar.2018.10.003
This paper seeks to assess the effectiveness of high-visibility enforcement (HVE) programs in terms of reducing aggressive driving behavior. Using Strategic Highway Research ...

Impact of Ubiquitous Real-Time Information on Bus Passenger Route Choice

Islam, M. F. Impact of Ubiquitous Real-Time Information on Bus Passenger Route Choice. (Thesis)
Edinburgh Napier University. Retrieved from http://researchrepository.napier.ac.uk/Output/1508471
Over the last decade, Ubiquitous Real-time Passenger Information (URTPI) has become popular among public transport passengers. The effectiveness of URTPI and hence the value o...

Cycle lanes: their effect on driver passing distances in urban areas.

Presentation / Conference
McHale, A., & Stewart, K. (2013, January)
Cycle lanes: their effect on driver passing distances in urban areas. Paper presented at 45th Annual Conference of the University Transport Study Group
The current literature in the field of cycle lanes has shown often contradictory evidence as to the benefits and risks of cycle lanes and previous work has specifically shown ...

Persuading people to purchase low-emission cars: The potential role of green policy measures.

Presentation / Conference
Borthwick, S., & Carreno, M. (2012, January)
Persuading people to purchase low-emission cars: The potential role of green policy measures. Paper presented at International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Studies, Changsha, China
This paper begins by providing a brief review of the different types of ‘green’ policy taxation measures introduced by various governments to incentivise the purchase of lower...

The European and Asian Experience of Implementing Congestion Charging: Its Applicability to the United States

Book Chapter
Rye, T., & Ison, S. (2008)
The European and Asian Experience of Implementing Congestion Charging: Its Applicability to the United States. In Road Congestion Pricing in EuropeGloucester, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781848441453.00022
8 results


2016 - 2019
The objectives of this project are as follows. The project will: 1. Produce a culture shift in terms of environment for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) in member states and in the organisatio...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £254,160


2015 - 2016
The CIVITAS-DYN@MO mission is to strengthen sustainable mobility through promoting non-polluting lifestyles, through social interaction and collaboration on the basis of the new media, and through in...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £115,400


2013 - 2016
The mission of CIVITAS CAPITAL is to contribute significantly to the goals of the EU's Transport White Paper by capitalising systematically on the results of CIVITAS and creating an effective "value c...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £62,823


2011 - 2013
COMPASS will investigate ICT solutions for improving passenger co-modality for long-distiance, rural and urban travel.
Funder: European Commission | Value: £440,277

Active Access

2009 - 2012
Active Access aims to increase the use of cycling but especially walking for short everyday trips in local areas, in order to benefit people’s health, and the health of the local economy. It aims to t...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £308,400


2004 - 2007
EUropean RAmp Metering Project (EURAMP) EURAMP is a comprehensive, up-to-date, representative, collective European action focused on ramp metering control measures in European motorways in the aim of...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £201,796

SMART NETS: Signal management in real time for urban traffic networks

2001 - 2004
SMART NETS aims at enabling a significant improvement of the international state-of-the-art in real-time network-wide urban traffic control via application, demonstration, and comparative evaluation o...
Funder: EU Framework Programme 7 and FP6 and earlier programmes

PROGRESS: Pricing road use for greater responsibility, efficiency and sustainability in cities

2000 - 2004
The overall objective of PROGRESS is 'to demonstrate and evaluate the effectiveness and acceptance of integrated urban transport pricing schemes to achieve transport goals and raise revenue.' The obj...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £419,282