30 results


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223 results

Heat island effects in urban life cycle assessment: Novel insights to include the effects of the urban heat island and UHI‐mitigation measures in LCA for effective policy making

Journal Article
Susca, T., & Pomponi, F. (2020)
Heat island effects in urban life cycle assessment: Novel insights to include the effects of the urban heat island and UHI‐mitigation measures in LCA for effective policy making. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 24(2), 410-423. https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.12980
Urbanization often entails a surge in urban temperature compared to the rural surroundings: the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. Such a temperature increase triggers the format...

FairEdge: A Fairness-Oriented Task Offloading Scheme for Iot Applications in Mobile Cloudlet Networks

Journal Article
Lai, S., Fan, X., Ye, Q., Tan, Z., Zhang, Y., He, X., & Nanda, P. (2020)
FairEdge: A Fairness-Oriented Task Offloading Scheme for Iot Applications in Mobile Cloudlet Networks. IEEE Access, 8, 13516-13526. https://doi.org/10.1109/access.2020.2965562
Mobile cloud computing has emerged as a promising paradigm to facilitate computation-intensive and delay-sensitive mobile applications. Computation offloading services at the ...

Exploring the relationship between smart cities and spatial planning: star cases and typologies

Book Chapter
Mora, L., & Angelidou, M. (2019)
Exploring the relationship between smart cities and spatial planning: star cases and typologies. In Smart Cities in the Post-algorithmic Era: Integrating Technologies, Platforms and Governance, (217-234). Edward Elgar Publishing

The current status of smart city research: exposing the division

Book Chapter
Mora, L., Reid, A., & Margarita, A. (2019)
The current status of smart city research: exposing the division. In Smart Cities in the Post-algorithmic Era: Integrating Technologies, Platforms and Governance, (17-35). Edward Elgar Publishing

Isolation Enhancement of Densely Packed Array Antennas with Periodic MTM-Photonic Bandgap for SAR and MIMO Systems

Journal Article
Alibakhshikenari, M., Virdee, B. S., Shukla, P., See, C. H., Abd-Alhameed, R., Falcone, F., …Limiti, E. (2020)
Isolation Enhancement of Densely Packed Array Antennas with Periodic MTM-Photonic Bandgap for SAR and MIMO Systems. IET microwaves, antennas & propagation, 14(3), 183-188. https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-map.2019.0362
A metamaterial photonic bandgap (MTM-PBG) periodic structure is used as a decoupling frame to improve the isolation between transmit–receive (T/R) sections of densely packed a...

Determination of the Aspect-ratio Distribution of Gold Nanorods in a Colloidal Solution using UV-visible absorption spectroscopy

Journal Article
Kumar, R., Binetti, L., Nguyen, H. T., Alwis, L. S. M., Agrawal, A., Sun, T., & Grattan, K. T. V. (2019)
Determination of the Aspect-ratio Distribution of Gold Nanorods in a Colloidal Solution using UV-visible absorption spectroscopy. Scientific Reports, 9, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-53621-4
Knowledge of the distribution of the aspect ratios (ARs) in a chemically-synthesized colloidal solution of Gold Nano Rods (GNRs) is an important measure in determining the qua...

Silicon-Based 0.450-0.475 THz Series-Fed Double Dielectric Resonator On-Chip Antenna Array Based on Metamaterial Properties for Integrated-Circuits

Conference Proceeding
Alibakhshikenari, M., Virdee, B. S., See, C., Abd-Alhameed, R., Falcone, F., & Limiti, E. (2019)
Silicon-Based 0.450-0.475 THz Series-Fed Double Dielectric Resonator On-Chip Antenna Array Based on Metamaterial Properties for Integrated-Circuits. In 2019 Thirteenth International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials)https://doi.org/10.1109/MetaMaterials.2019.8900949
The antenna array designed to operate over 0.450-0.475 Terahertz comprises two dielectric resonators (DRs) that are stacked vertically on top of each other and placed on the s...

Expanding the portfolio of tribo-positive materials: aniline formaldehyde condensates for high charge density triboelectric nanogenerators

Journal Article
Zhao, P., Soin, N., Kumar, A., Shi, L., Guan, S., Tsonos, C., …Luo, J. (2020)
Expanding the portfolio of tribo-positive materials: aniline formaldehyde condensates for high charge density triboelectric nanogenerators. Nano Energy, 67, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2019.104291
The rapid uptake of energy harvesting triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) for self-powered electronics requires the development of high-performance tribo-materials capable of...

High-Performance 50μm Silicon-Based On-Chip Antenna with High Port-To-Port Isolation Implemented by Metamaterial and SIW Concepts for THz Integrated Systems

Conference Proceeding
Alibakhshikenari, M., Virdee, B. S., See, C., Abd-Alhameed, R., Falcone, F., & Limiti, E. (2019)
High-Performance 50μm Silicon-Based On-Chip Antenna with High Port-To-Port Isolation Implemented by Metamaterial and SIW Concepts for THz Integrated Systems. In 2019 Thirteenth International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials)https://doi.org/10.1109/MetaMaterials.2019.8900874
A novel 50μm Silicon-based on-chip antenna is presented that combines metamaterial (MTM) and substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technologies for integration in THz circuits ...

Antenna for Ultra-Wideband Applications with Non-Uniform Defected Ground Plane and Offset Aperture-Coupled Cylindrical Dielectric Resonators

Journal Article
Zebiri, C., Sayad, D., Elfergani, I., Kosha, J., Mshwat, W., See, C. H., …Abd-Alhameed, R. (2019)
Antenna for Ultra-Wideband Applications with Non-Uniform Defected Ground Plane and Offset Aperture-Coupled Cylindrical Dielectric Resonators. IEEE Access, 7, 166776-166787. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2949527
A new compact Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Antenna (CDRA) with a defected ground for ultra-wideband applications is presented. The structure is based on two cylindrical di...
20 results

Swarmchestrate - Application-level Swarm-based Orchestration Across the Cloud-to-Things Continuum

2024 - 2026
The next-generation of intelligent cyber-physical and IoT systems powered by artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming an essential part of our environment. With the ever-growing number of intelligent...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £357,303

Digital Transformation of the Building Standards System

2022 - 2023
This project will support the digital transformation of the building standards system in Scotland by supporting a strengthened compliance system and putting in place the tools to develop a digital go...
Funder: Built Environment - Smarter Transformation (formerly CSIC) | Value: £11,714

Mapping inequalities in smart places

2022 - 2023
The proposed collaboration aims to explore how digital and socio-economic inequalities are conceived and tackled in the implementation of smart places, addressing three research questions: 1.to what e...
Funder: British Academy | Value: £4,985

Smart City Transitions in South East Scotland: Accelerating Digital Twin Technology Deployment in Urban Transformation Processes

2021 - 2025
Smart city development exposes the coevolutionary nature of technology and society, as well as the systemic character of innovation. Bringing new technologies into society is not sufficient to improve...
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £29,999

Research informed teaching of sustainable development in South Africa: The case of 'Local' Building Materials and their Environmental impacts

2019 - 2023
The study examines the properties and benefits of selected local materials (such as clay and recycled elements) and whether their use as construction materials enhances environmental protection. The r...
Funder: Royal Academy of Engineering | Value: £10,000

Circular design of emergency sheltering for Africa: a holistic approach

2018 - 2019
Africa is the continent with the highest number of displaced people due to wars, humanitarian crises, resource scarcity, and extreme climate events. Emergency sheltering always sets out with the best ...
Funder: Royal Academy of Engineering | Value: £38,887

Informational Database for Sustainable and Energy Efficient materials in sub-Saharan Africa

2018 - 2019
The population in Africa is growing rapidly, and thus the urbanization is accelerated. The need for detailed information on the performance of materials is a crucial part of the decision-making proces...
Funder: Royal Academy of Engineering

Information for Action on Climate Change

2017 - 2019
The challenge that climate change poses to humanity and the natural environment is critical and well documented. Faced with such an unprecedented challenge, three responses are needed: drastic cuts in...
Funder: V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation | Value: £3,120

12 Closes Community Co-design Project, Phase 1

2016 - 2022
12 Closes is a 4 year project partnership with Edinburgh World Heritage to re-invigorate and redesign a series of the Royal Mile's pedestrian closes. The projects will be developed through a process o...
Funder: Edinburgh World Heritage | Value: £57,600


2016 - 2018
This project aims to develop an e-policy platform augmented with a toolbox of applications and online services, which will assist national and regional authorities in the EU in elaborating or revising...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £270,288


Qualification level

11 results

Electromagnetic side-channel resilience against lightweight cryptography

2018 - 2023
Dr Nilupulee Gunathilake | Director of Studies: Prof Ahmed Al-Dubai | Second Supervisor: Prof Bill Buchanan

Circular futures: an interdisciplinary approach based on Circular Economy principles and Futures Studies methods to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) transitioning to circularity and a futures-oriented organisation

2018 - 2023
Mr Ricardo Weigend | Director of Studies: Prof Francesco Pomponi | Second Supervisor: Dr Bernardino D'Amico

Heating Scottish public buildings with low temperature heat networks: An investigation

2018 - date
Antoine Reguis | Director of Studies: Dr Behrang Vand Alimohammadisagvand

Efficient algorithms for MAC layer duty cycling and frame delivery in wireless sensor network

2016 - 2021
Dr Craig Thomson | Director of Studies: Prof Ahmed Al-Dubai | Second Supervisor: Dr Thomas Tan

The feasibility study of development and implementation of smart energy system for 100% renewable energy and transport solutions for Sri Lanka

2015 - date
Mr Wattala Fernando | Director of Studies: Dr Kamyab Givaki | Second Supervisor: Prof Naren Gupta

The Influence of Illuminated Road Studs on Safe Driving Behaviour

2015 - date
The aim of this research is to identify and quantify the changes to driver behaviour, with a specific emphasis on safety, that result f...
Richard Llewellyn | Director of Studies: Dr Jonathan Cowie | Second Supervisor: Mike Maher

A closer look at adaptation mechanisms in simulated environment-driven evolutionary swarm robotics

2013 - 2018
Swarm robotics is a special case within the general field of robotics. The distributed nature makes it...
Dr Andreas Steyven | Director of Studies: Prof Emma Hart | Second Supervisor: Prof Ben Paechter

Impact of climate change and envelope performance dilapidation on dwellings

2012 - 2019
"This study looks at addressing the issues concerning environmentally conscious homes and reviewing how efficiently they comp...
Dr Julio Bros Williamson | Director of Studies: Prof John Currie | Second Supervisor: Dr Celine Garnier

The role of niche tourism products in destination development

2009 - 2011
Niche tourism refers to how a specific tourism product can be tailored to meet the needs of a particular audience/market segment. Locations...
Prof Jane Ali-Knight | Director of Studies: Prof John Ensor

Smart energy monitoring technology to achieve low carbon homes

2007 - 2015
If the UK is to address its energy reduction targets, it is vital to understand energy use behaviours and to devise technology that positi...
Dr Jon Stinson | Director of Studies: Prof Sean Smith | Second Supervisor: Prof John Currie