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50 results

E-Government Information Search by English-as-a Second Language Speakers: The Effects of Language Proficiency and Document Reading Level

Journal Article
Harvey, M., & Brazier, D. (2022)
E-Government Information Search by English-as-a Second Language Speakers: The Effects of Language Proficiency and Document Reading Level  . Information Processing and Management, 59(4), Article 102985.
A rapid increase in the use of web-based technologies - and corresponding changes in government and local council policies - in recent years, means that many vital services ar...

The Potential of Friendship: A Case for Social Resilience and New Care Optics

Journal Article
Kulpa, R., & Ludwin, K. (2021)
The Potential of Friendship: A Case for Social Resilience and New Care Optics. interalia: a journal of queer studies, 16, 82-94.
In this article, we call for greater recognition of friendship as a basic social relation that should play a pivotal role in re-imagining social resilience if it is to be futu...

Scottish Parliament Citizens’ Panel on COVID-19

Citizens’ Panel Steering Group, . (2021)
Scottish Parliament Citizens’ Panel on COVID-19. Scottish Parliament
This Citizens’ Panel was commissioned by the Scottish Parliament’s COVID-19 Committee. Its findings will support the COVID-19 Committee’s work to scrutinise the Scottish Gover...

Information Literacy as a joint competence shaped by everyday life and workplace roles amongst Scottish community councillors

Journal Article
Cruickshank, P., Hall, H., & Ryan, B. (2020)
Information Literacy as a joint competence shaped by everyday life and workplace roles amongst Scottish community councillors. Information Research, 25(4 (supplement)),
*Introduction: This paper addresses the information practices of hyperlocal democratic representatives, and their acquisition and application of information literacy skills. ...

Exploring the relationship between smart cities and spatial planning: star cases and typologies

Book Chapter
Mora, L., & Angelidou, M. (2019)
Exploring the relationship between smart cities and spatial planning: star cases and typologies. In Smart Cities in the Post-algorithmic Era: Integrating Technologies, Platforms and Governance, (217-234). Edward Elgar Publishing

The current status of smart city research: exposing the division

Book Chapter
Mora, L., Reid, A., & Margarita, A. (2019)
The current status of smart city research: exposing the division. In Smart Cities in the Post-algorithmic Era: Integrating Technologies, Platforms and Governance, (17-35). Edward Elgar Publishing

Exploring Current Trends in Scientific Research on Smart Specialisation

Journal Article
Mora, L., Deakin, M., & Reid, A. (2019)
Exploring Current Trends in Scientific Research on Smart Specialisation. Scienze Regionali-The Italian Journal of Regional Science, 18(3), 397-422.
This paper describes current trends in scientific research on Smart Specialisation by answering the following questions: (1) How many scientific publications on Smart Speciali...

The Advent of Practice Theories in Research on Sustainable Consumption: Past, Current and Future Directions of the Field

Journal Article
Corsini, F., Laurenti, R., Meinherz, F., Appio, F. P., & Mora, L. (2019)
The Advent of Practice Theories in Research on Sustainable Consumption: Past, Current and Future Directions of the Field. Sustainability, 11(2),
The application of practice theories in the domain of sustainability research in consumer studies is increasingly advocated based on the premise that this allows to analyse co...

How to Overcome the Dichotomous Nature of Smart City Research: Proposed Methodology and Results of a Pilot Study

Journal Article
Mora, L., Deakin, M., Reid, A., & Angelidou, M. (2019)
How to Overcome the Dichotomous Nature of Smart City Research: Proposed Methodology and Results of a Pilot Study. Journal of Urban Technology, 26(2), 89-128.
Overcoming the dichotomous nature of smart city research is fundamental to providing cities with a clear understanding of how smart city development should be approached. This...

Intelligence and co-creation in smart specialisation strategies: towards the next stage of RIS3

Komninos, N., Kakderi, C., Panori, A., Garcia, E., Reid, A., Cvijanović, V., …Mora, L. (2018)
Intelligence and co-creation in smart specialisation strategies: towards the next stage of RIS3. European Commission
The white paper on “Intelligence and Co-creation in Smart Specialisation Strategies” outlines some key conclusions from the Online S3 project, funded under the Horizon 2020 pr...
20 results


2005 - 2008
A Scottish pilot to test the potential of iDTV as a medium for providing public sector information and delivering public services was launched on 7th September 2004. The pilot ran for 6 months and inv...
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £21,829

e-Petitioner for English Local Authorities

2004 - 2005
The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister’s Local eDemocracy National Project (March 2004 to March 2005) investigated new channels of participation and piloted various approaches to encourage citizen pa...
Funder: Bristol City Council | Value: £42,000

e-engaging young Scotland on radioactive waste management

2004 - 2004
The ITC was funded by the Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department (SEERAD) to research appropriate tools and techniques to engage young people in their continuing dialogue on radio...
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £32,000

e-Community Councils

2004 - 2006
In February 2004 Edinburgh Napier University’s International Teledemocracy Centre received funding from the Scottish Executive to investigate how technology could be developed to help regenerate dem...
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £92,000

Expert Evaluation Team for the Local eDemocracy National Project

2003 - 2005
How can Local Authorities be sure that eDemocracy works? How can they be sure that they are using the right e-enabled tool for the job and that the use of these tools will result in effective input to...
Funder: Bristol City Council | Value: £40,000

Ur'Say for Young Scot

2002 - 2004
The ITC worked with Young Scot on their Ur'Say channel, when they were just beginning to use their website to gather young people's opinions and host discussions on relevant issues. ITC developed n...
Funder: Young Scot | Value: £40,000


2002 - 2004
SmartGov (IST-2001-35399) was a project funded by the European Commission under its Information Society Technologies Programme (IST). The aim of the project was to develop a governmental knowledge-ba...
Funder: EU Framework Programme 7 and FP6 and earlier programmes | Value: £240,000

EDEN: Electronic Democracy European Network

2001 - 2004
The EDEN project grew out of the rationale that online information on decision-making leads to greater transparency in governance, as a pre-requisite for online consultation and participation. EDEN ...
Funder: EU Framework Programme 7 and FP6 and earlier programmes | Value: £67,000

E-petitioner for the Scottish Parliament

2000 - 2007
The Scottish Parliament accepted its first electronic petition from the ITC's electronic petitioning system. The ITC (now part of the Centre for Social Informatics) worked with the Scottish Parliame...
Funder: Scottish Government | Value: £51,733

E-democracy Services for Highland Youth Voice

2000 - 2008
ITC worked with Highland Youth Voice (a youth parliament in the Highland Region) from 2000 to 2008. An e-voting website, with a discussion form, supported the parliament's first elections in 2000. Fro...
Funder: The Highland Council | Value: £134,176
