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214 results

Implementing a co-ordinated and strategic approach to Library and Information Science research: the work of the UK Library and Information Science Research Coalition

Conference Proceeding
Hall, H., & Brazier, C. (2010)
Implementing a co-ordinated and strategic approach to Library and Information Science research: the work of the UK Library and Information Science Research Coalition. In Proceedings of the 76th International Federation of Library Associations General Conference and Assembly 2010
In recent years there has been growing recognition amongst the UK library and information profession of a need for a co-ordinated and strategic approach to Library and Informa...

Research directions in data wrangling: Visualizations and transformations for usable and credible data

Journal Article
Kandel, S., Heer, J., Plaisant, C., Kennedy, J., Ham, F. V., Riche, N. H., …Buono, P. (2011)
Research directions in data wrangling: Visualizations and transformations for usable and credible data. Information Visualization, Octobe, 271-288.
In spite of advances in technologies for working with data, analysts still spend an inordinate amount of time diagnosing data quality issues and manipulating data into a usabl...

Not what you know, nor who you know, but who you know already: Examining Online Information Sharing Behaviours in a Blogging Environment through the Lens of Social Exchange Theory

Journal Article
Hall, H., Widen, G., & Paterson, L. (2010)
Not what you know, nor who you know, but who you know already: Examining Online Information Sharing Behaviours in a Blogging Environment through the Lens of Social Exchange Theory. Libri, 60(2), 117-128.
This paper focuses on the extent to which online information sharing practice is socially motivated. A key interest is how knowledge of the existing social connections between...

Performance evaluation of JCSP Micro Edition: JCSPme

Conference Proceeding
Chalmers, K., Kerridge, J., & Romdhani, I. (2006)
Performance evaluation of JCSP Micro Edition: JCSPme. In P. Welch, J. Kerridge, & F. R. M. Barnes (Eds.), Proceedings of Communicating Process Architectures 2006, 31-40
Java has become a development platform that has migrated from its initial focus for small form devices, to large full scale desktop and server applications and finally back to...

A framework for information visualisation

Journal Article
Kennedy, J., Mitchell, K., & Barclay, P. J. (1996)
A framework for information visualisation. SIGMOD record, 25, 30-34
In this paper we examine the issues involved in developing information visualisation systems and present a framework for their construction. The framework addresses the compon...

Using a metadata software layer in information systems integration.

Conference Proceeding
Roantree, M., Kennedy, J., & Barclay, P. J. (2001)
Using a metadata software layer in information systems integration. In Advanced systems engineering: CAiSE'01 - Software Engineering meets Information Systems Engineering (299-314).
A federated information system requires that multiple (often heterogenous) information systems are integrated to an extent that they can share data. This shared data often tak...

Formalizing botanical taxonomies.

Conference Proceeding
Priss, U. (2003)
Formalizing botanical taxonomies.
Because botanical taxonomies are prototypical classifications it would seem that it should be easy to formalize them as concept lattices or type hierarchies. On closer inspect...

Evaluation of high performance parallel database machines

Conference Proceeding
Kerridge, J., Jelly, I., & Bates, C. (1994)
Evaluation of high performance parallel database machines. In U. Harms, & W. Gentzsch (Eds.), High-Performance Computing and Networking International Conference and Exhibition Munich, Germany, April 18–20, 1994 Proceedings, Volume I: Applications. , (424-429).
Many organisations are considering the use of large relational databases to implement their information needs. For large organisations this will result in the implementation o...

Modelling test data for performance evaluation of large parallel database machines

Journal Article
Bates, C., Jelly, I., & Kerridge, J. (1996)
Modelling test data for performance evaluation of large parallel database machines. Distributed and Parallel Databases, 4(1), 5-23.
Parallel servers offer improved processing power for relational database systems and provide system scalability. In order to support the users of these systems, new ways of as...

An Adaptively Speculative Execution Strategy Based on Real-Time Resource Awareness in a Multi-Job Heterogeneous Environment

Journal Article
Liu, Q., Cai, W., Liu, Q., Shen, J., Fu, Z., Liu, X., & Linge, N. (2017)
An Adaptively Speculative Execution Strategy Based on Real-Time Resource Awareness in a Multi-Job Heterogeneous Environment. KSII transactions on internet and information systems, 11(2),
MapReduce (MRV1), a popular programming model, proposed by Google, has been well used to process large datasets in Hadoop, an open source cloud platform. Its new version MapRe...
33 results

VDS information architecture analysis and feasibility study

2013 - 2013
VDS holds data of varying quality on volunteering opportunities, volunteer involving organisations, research, services and learning using a variety of different systems. The aim of this project is ...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,970

ArbAid: Personal safety beacon registration and information delivery system

2014 - 2014
Design for a system for managing information about personal safety beacons for outdoor activities in remote locations. The user will be able to register a device and provide personal details about the...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

Open Innovation and Business Networking Platform

2012 - 2012
IIDI worked with The Technology Club to develop an online business and innovation networking platform which matches Technology Exploiters with Technology Suppliers. The company now has a working vers...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £4,991

An Approach to Modelling and Evolution of Service Architecture and its Reliability in Clouds

2011 - 2013
Clouds are a new supplement, consumption, and delivery model for ICT services based on the Internet, and it typically involves over-the-Internet provision of dynamically scalable and often virtualized...
Funder: Royal Society of Edinburgh | Value: £12,000

BENOGO: Being There without going

2002 - 2005
Aim The project will investigate and further develop novel synthetic image rendering technologies into an innovative mediation system (a Virtual Environment) that provides close-to photo-realistic 3D ...
Funder: European Commission | Value: £300,932


2015 - 2015
The aim of this project led by Alistair Lawson of IIDI is to develop a design for the underlying architecture of a novel virtual learning platform
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000

The Extractive Components of UK Hardwood

2016 - 2017
Use the ITED system to search literature based observations about the chemical extractive components of both broadleaf and conifer tree species commonly grown in the UK. Chemically, wood structure ma...
Funder: Scottish Forestry | Value: £28,492

Trisent: Innovation Voucher for Personal Context Data Project

2018 - 2018
This is a small project to initiate an engagement following an unsuccessful application for a larger Data Lab project. Trisent’s core technology is called the Personal Context Management System (PCM...
Funder: Scottish Funding Council | Value: £5,000


2006 - 2009
Presence Research in Action, ‘Peach’, is a co-ordination action, part of the European Union’s 6th Research and Development Framework Programme in Information Systems Technologies. Peach is a project a...
Funder: EU Framework Programme 7 and FP6 and earlier programmes | Value: £100,000

MATSE: Information Visualisation of Microarray Time-course Data

2007 - 2009
Microarray Time-series Explorer (MaTSE) is a software application developed to improve the analysis of microarray data by allowing the user to explore their data using a unique visual interface.  Thro...
Funder: Scottish Enterprise | Value: £176,630
8 results

Visualising Multiple Overlapping Classification Hierarchies

1998 - 2002
The revision or reorganisation of hierarchical data sets can result in many possible hierarchical classifications composed of the same or ove...
Dr Martin Graham | Director of Studies: Prof Jessie Kennedy | Second Supervisor: Prof David Benyon

A closer look at adaptation mechanisms in simulated environment-driven evolutionary swarm robotics

2013 - 2018
Swarm robotics is a special case within the general field of robotics. The distributed nature makes it...
Dr Andreas Steyven | Director of Studies: Prof Emma Hart | Second Supervisor: Prof Ben Paechter

An approach to cross-domain situation-based context management and highly adaptive services in pervasive environments

2008 - 2012
The concept of context-awareness is widely used in mobile and pervasive computing t...
Dr Zakwan Jaroucheh | Director of Studies: Prof Xiaodong Liu | Second Supervisor: Prof Sally Smith

Investigating communicating sequential processes for Java to support ubiquitous computing

2005 - 2009
Ubiquitous Computing promises to enrich our everyday lives by enabling the environment to be enhanced via compu...
Dr Kevin Chalmers | Director of Studies: Prof Jon Kerridge | Second Supervisor: Dr Imed Romdhani

Novel hyperheuristics applied to the domain of bin packing

2010 - 2014
Hyper-heuristics (HH) have been described as methodologies that aim to offer “good enough -soon enough - cheap enough” solutions to real world...
Dr Kevin Sim | Director of Studies: Prof Emma Hart | Second Supervisor: Prof Ben Paechter

Mango: A model-driven approach to Engineering Green Mobile Cloud Applications

2012 - 2017
With the growing need of the industry and due to high business demands, there have consequently been high demands of IT pro...
Mr Samuel Chinenyeze | Director of Studies: Prof Xiaodong Liu | Second Supervisor: Prof Ahmed Al-Dubai

A software framework for the microscopic modelling of pedestrian movement

1999 - 2007
A town planner, faced with the task of designing attractive walking spaces, needs a tool that will allow different designs to b...
Dr Robert Kukla | Director of Studies: Prof Jon Kerridge | Second Supervisor: Prof Jessie Kennedy

The evaluation of data filtering criterial in wind turbine power performance assessment

2012 - 2019
Dr Brian Davison | Director of Studies: Prof Tariq Muneer | Second Supervisor: Prof Ahmed Al-Dubai